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Docker Guide - Part 1

Douglas Minnaar on February 12, 2018

Summary I have started a new project on Github called 'Guides'. It is a repository of technology guides that will be written by me. The ...
abiodunjames profile image
Samuel James

A very nice and clear article.

agusarias__ profile image
Agus Arias

I use docker every day, but never took the time to understand it fully. This helps a lot! Thank you

drminnaar profile image
Douglas Minnaar

It's encouraging to hear that someone with an experienced hand found this useful. Thanks for the feedback.

ma1inowski profile image

I briefly knew about Docket and how it works but now I get it. I guess its time to start using Docker even for my private micro projects. thanks for the article!

drminnaar profile image
Douglas Minnaar

Glad to hear you found it useful. I highly recommend using Docker for your projects. It's a good feeling when you can open a terminal window in your project directory, type "docker-compose up", and your entire dev environment spins up for your project :)

gregorgonzalez profile image
Gregor Gonzalez

This is a great article, I like how you explained everything. I played with docker some time ago but didn't know all this, waiting for more.

drminnaar profile image
Douglas Minnaar

Thank you for the positive feedback! I'm continuously updating my docker guide (and other guides too) content on github. It's great to hear that you've played with Docker. That's how it started out for me too. However, Docker has now become core to my development environment. For example, I no longer install databases (SQL and NoSQL) locally. Nor do I install web servers (apache and nginx) locally. I try to run as much as possible from containers. This has resulted in my dev machine always being clean and isolated from all these other software packages. It has allowed me to experiment with different versions of various programming runtimes or database versions without having to install/uninstall/reinstall a single thing. Therefore, I encourage you to play more :)

hatem20 profile image
Hatem Said

Great article, thanks.

olaven profile image
Olav Sundfør

This was very helpful! Thank you.

matiassg profile image
MatiasSG • Edited

Thanks for the explanation, very easy to follow and understand!

pandaa880 profile image
Prashant Chaudhari

I have just started learning docker and this has clear a lot of doubts for me.
Thank you for writing such a well explained article.

pariola profile image
Blessing Pariola

Great article.