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Cover image for Day 1118 : Drop

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Day 1118 : Drop

liner notes:

  • Professional : Well.... today was a day. Saw that I was tagged in a community question so I looked at it. From the question, I could tell it would be a long day. haha. The question wasn't really a question, it was more like tell me how to do this thing, but they weren't even really sure what the thing was. haha. They were copying and pasting code from random websites. They even said they just copied and pasted some code into ChatGPT and just went with the changes. Then it was up to me to try and fix it. So I had to unpack that. Just so happened that the current sample application I was creating could help with what they were trying to do. So, I wrapped up the documentation I was writing for the sample application, pushed the code to the GitHub repo and then let the person know. After all that, all they had to do was just clone the code, fill in the environment variables, run the code and they would have a great starting point. They were getting errors and have variables that I have no clue where they came from but would say they got it from the sample code when I know for a fact that they didn't. I like helping folks with their coding issues, but when they make it seem like they are entitled for me to help them and to respond instantly is wild to me. It's not like I have a job, meetings and other tasks to attend to. No, I have to drop everything to help them with a project they don't really know what they want and waited until the last minute to complete. It was the end of the day and I gave them literally everything they needed and wished them luck.

  • Personal : Printed a couple of the lenticular images. Came out pretty good. Decided to switch out the nozzle for a smaller one to see if the images would come out clearer. Thing is that it takes A LOT longer to print. Decided that I would leave that for the next day. Went through some tracks for the radio show. Ordered a part that I think will help in getting wheels attached to the enclosure. I think I finally figured out how and where I want to place the battery for this other 3D model. I wired up the piece and it worked really well. I just need to get the container modeled that will hold the battery. I did a quick sketch.

A scenic landscape photograph featuring a sprawling field of sagebrush and yellow wildflowers in the foreground, leading to a dense forest of evergreen trees. Beyond the forest, majestic snow-capped mountains rise against a slightly cloudy sky. The location is Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, United States.

Like I mentioned, I've had the 3D printer working on the lenticular image. I got one printed. It was a thinner version and came out really good. The images were a lot clearer. The only issue was that it was so thin, that there were a couple of tears that happened when I tried to peel it off the print bed. That print took like 5 hours. Started a thicker one that will take 10 hours! Going to go through tracks for the radio show. Looking to further develop the battery holder for this other model. Oh, I got back the proof from the vinyl manufacturer and a typo was found. Got another version made and sent that off to get another proof made. We're getting there...slowly. haha It's a good thing the typo was caught. Alright, going to get to work.

Have a great night!

peace piece
Dwane / conshus /

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