In this episode, Donn talks with Mitch Tabian about Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile, also known as KMM.
Mitch explains what KMM is, why he decided to use it, and how it works from a developer's perspective. The goal was to build an app and develop both the iOS and Android versions. Mitch talks about his experience in building a KMM app. We cover the pros and cons, what worked vs what did not, and his advice on using KMM going forward. Mitch also shares content about how to build native components in Jetpack Compose and SwiftUI as well as architectures used in his KMM project.
Links from the show
- KMM Docs
- KMM Getting Started
- John O'Reilly Twitter
- Diagram from Mitch for KMM clean architecture
- SQL Delight
- Ktor Library
- kotlinx-datetime
- kotlinx.serialization
- Expect-actual
- Hacking with Swift Course
- 100 days of SwiftUI
- Is KMM ready for production? - A Video by Mitch
- D-KMP architecture
Find Mitch online here:
- Mitch's Twitter
- Mitch's Instagram
- Mitch's YouTube
- Mitch's Website and Courses
- Mitch's KMM Clean Architecture diagram
Donn's Free E-Book on Freelancing Rates
- @fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel
- @donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)
- Freelancing for Mobile Developers (Donn's YouTube)
- kaushikgopal (on YouTube) or or @kaushikgopal
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