DEV Community

Front End Happy Hour

Episode 079 - Home-brewing front end culture

In this episode, we are joined by Katie Sylor-Miller, a Staff Software Engineer from Etsy, to talk with us about ways to help build and foster a frontend culture within your companies.

Katie Sylor-Miller - @ksylor

Ryan Burgess - @burgessdryan
Jem Young - @JemYoung
Mars Jullian - @marsjosephine
Stacy London - @stacylondoner

Katie Sylor-Miller - The Fascinating Chimera Project
Katie Sylor-Miller -
Katie Sylor-Miller - Tiki bar - Pagan Idol
Katie Sylor-Miller - Tiki bar - Tonga room
Katie Sylor-Miller - Tiki bar - Smugglers Cove
Katie Sylor-Miller - Tiki bar - Last Rites
Katie Sylor-Miller - Tiki bar - Frankie’s Tiki room
Ryan Burgess -
Ryan Burgess - Humza Deas
Jem Young - Spiderman: Into the spider-verse
Jem Young - Deadpool 2
Jem Young - Plus codes
Mars Jullian - Inside deals
Mars Jullian - Routing with React hooks
Stacy London - Stimulation by Ellen Allien
Stacy London - Pour by Recondite

Episode source