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gerry leo nugroho profile picture

gerry leo nugroho

Gemika's Father • Data Story Telling Nerd • Coding Dad • OSX Geek • Tech Junkie • Digital Advertising Addict • Growth Marketer • Pythonista • Entrepreneur in Between

Location Jakarta, Indonesia Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #5)

The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #5)

8 min read
The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #4)

The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #4)

6 min read
The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #3)

The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #3)

7 min read
The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #2)

The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #2)

7 min read
The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #1)

The Magical World of Machine Learning at Hogwarts (Part #1)

Comments 1
8 min read
Gemika's Awesome Git Adventures: A Fun Guide to Coding Magic! 🧙‍♂️✨"

Gemika's Awesome Git Adventures: A Fun Guide to Coding Magic! 🧙‍♂️✨"

7 min read
Gemika's Awesome Git Adventures: A Fun Guide to Coding Magic! 🧙‍♂️✨

Gemika's Awesome Git Adventures: A Fun Guide to Coding Magic! 🧙‍♂️✨

7 min read
Event Tracking and Parameters: Setting up custom events and parameters in Google Analytics 4

Event Tracking and Parameters: Setting up custom events and parameters in Google Analytics 4

5 min read