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Creating a Mobile Application Using Android (Flutter, Termux, Android Studio, Debian, Vscode)

Part 1: Installation of F-Droid

Launch Google Chrome on your device.
In the search bar, enter the query "Download F-Droid."
Navigate to the official F-Droid website by following this link:
Locate and select the download link:
Tap the "Download" button to initiate the download process.
File Size: 11.53 MB.
In the event of an installation failure:

Open the Google Play Store.
Tap your user icon located in the upper-right corner.
Select "Play Protect" from the menu.
Disable Play Protect to allow third-party app installations.
You will be prompted to verify your identity. Enter your credentials as requested.
Once Play Protect is disabled, attempt the installation once again.
The installation should proceed successfully.
Post-Installation Procedure:

Open the F-Droid application.
Refresh the repository list by scrolling down from the top to ensure it is up to date.
Tap the search icon to begin a query.
Enter "Termux" into the search field.
Proceed to download the Termux application.
Allow installation from this source and Install Termux.

After installing Termux on your Android phone, follow these steps to update, upgrade, and install the proot Debian distro:

  1. Update and Upgrade Termux

pkg update -y && pkg upgrade -y

  1. Install proot-distro

pkg install proot-distro -y

  1. Install Debian using proot-distro

proot-distro install debian

  1. Start Debian

proot-distro login debian

Now, you will be inside a Debian environment within Termux. Let me know if you need additional configurations!

curl -o && chmod +rwx && ./ && rm -- code for installing vscode

To install Firefox on an ARM64 device running a proot Debian distro on Android (using Termux), follow these steps:

  1. Update Package Lists

First, ensure your proot Debian system is up to date:

apt update && apt upgrade -y

  1. Install Firefox

Run the following command to install Firefox:

apt install firefox-esr -y

This will install the Extended Support Release (ESR) version, which is stable and compatible with ARM64.

  1. Verify Installation

Check if Firefox is installed properly by running:

curl -o && chmod +rwx && ./ && rm -- code for installing android studio

apt install sudo
sudo apt-get update -y && sudo apt-get upgrade -y;
sudo apt-get install -y curl git unzip xz-utils zip libglu1-mesa prerequisites for flutter installation

Visit for a more detailed guide.

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