- neo4cyclone: https://github.com/javixeneize/neo4cyclone
- Neomodel: Python OGM for Neo4j Extends Version Support and Moves to Neo4j Labs: https://neo4j.com/developer-blog/neomodel-python-ogm-neo4j-labs/
- Getting From Denmark Hill to Gatwick Airport With Quantified Path Patterns: https://neo4j.com/developer-blog/denmark-hill-to-gatwick-airport-quantified-path-patterns/
- Graphs for DFIR (Digital Forensics and Incident Response): A Roadmap: http://www.ds4n6.io/blog/23050801.html
- Leverage LLMs for Graph Data Science Pipelines: 4 Steps to Avoid Pitfalls of ChatGPT: https://www.graphable.ai/blog/data-science-pipeline-steps/
- How To Verify Database Connection From a Spring Boot Application: https://dzone.com/articles/how-to-verify-database-connection-from-a-spring-bo
- LangChain Library Adds Full Support for Neo4j Vector Index: https://neo4j.com/developer-blog/langchain-library-full-support-neo4j-vector-index/
- Explore OpenAI vector embedding with Neo4j, LangChain, and Wikipedia: https://medium.com/@therobbrennan/explore-openai-vector-embedding-with-neo4j-6ea2a40693d9
- Exploring the Intersection of Neo4j and Large Language Models: https://medium.com/neo4j/exploring-the-intersection-of-neo4j-and-large-language-models-6fda9ac72ef8
- Construct Knowledge Graphs From Unstructured Text: https://medium.com/neo4j/construct-knowledge-graphs-from-unstructured-text-877be33300a2
- Knowledge Graph Construction Demo from raw text using an LLM: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hg4ahTQlBm0
- Azure OpenAI Neo4j Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PO-erAP6R4
- Sebastian Dashner - Applications with graph databases (Neo4j & Quarkus): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K0RUYdliUW8
- QCon SF 2023 (Oct 2)
- GraphTalk Milan (Oct 5)
- Road to NODES:
- Neo4j GDS w/ Generative AI (Oct 5)
- Analyzing the Physical World (Oct 10)
- GraphSummit Frankfurt (Oct 10)
- Conference (Pittsburgh, PA): NACIS 2023 Building QGIS Plugins w/ Python (Oct 11)
- Meetup (virtual/in-person, Austin, TX): Airplane Route Optimization using Neo4j (Oct 11)
- Conference (Raleigh, NC): ATO 2023 Building Open Source GIS Plugins w/ QGIS, Python, and Neo4j (Oct 15)
- Conference (Baltimore, MD): FOSS4G Building Open Source GIS Plugins with QGIS, Python, and Neo4j (Oct 23)
- Conference (Arlington, VA): GraphSummit for Government (Oct 25)
- Conference (virtual): Nodes 2023 (Oct 25)
- Conference (Spain): Madrid Tech Show (Oct 30)