Participants also suggested potential app features that, if implemented, would help meet the clinical needs of providers and support long-term use among youth. Such features included having a pleasant user interface, reminders for clients, and graphical output of data to clients and providers.
Youths and providers explained that the integration of mobile health into psychotherapy has the potential to make treatment, particularly behavior tracking, easy and more accessible. However, both groups had concerns about the increased burden that could be placed on the clients and providers.
Youths and providers explained that the integration of mobile health into psychotherapy has the potential to make treatment, particularly behavior tracking, easy and more accessible. However, both groups had concerns about the increased burden that could be placed on the clients and providers.
Neurologists and epileptologists are scarce in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Whilst electroencephalograms (EEGs) are becoming more available in the region, interpretation is typically undertaken by non-specialist clinicians with limited or no training. This is a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature on EEG training of non-specialist clinicians worldwide, assessing the efficacy of the training methodology and the curricula content.
The published literature was searched for papers relating to EEG training of non-specialist clinicians worldwide (1/01/1989-30/06/2020). All regions of the world were included and assessed for content on efficacy of curricula and potential adaptability or applicability to resource-poor settings. The grey literature was searched using ProQuest and Primo databases and references from review articles. The websites of the International League Against Epilepsy, International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiologist, American Academy of Neurology and World Federation of Neurollack of access to education in EEG training and interpretation for non-specialist clinicians in LMICs. Existing models need to be expanded or adapted and evaluated for this population group.The Neanderthal and Denisovan genomes enabled the discovery of sequences that differ between modern and archaic humans, the majority of which are noncoding. learn more However, our understanding of the regulatory consequences of these differences remains limited, in part due to the decay of regulatory marks in ancient samples. Here, we used a massively parallel reporter assay in embryonic stem cells, neural progenitor cells, and bone osteoblasts to investigate the regulatory effects of the 14,042 single-nucleotide modern human-specific variants. Overall, 1791 (13%) of sequences containing these variants showed active regulatory activity, and 407 (23%) of these drove differential expression between human groups. Differentially active sequences were associated with divergent transcription factor binding motifs, and with genes enriched for vocal tract and brain anatomy and function. This work provides insight into the regulatory function of variants that emerged along the modern human lineage and the recent evolution of human gene expression.Vertebrate macrophages are a highly heterogeneous cell population, but while Drosophila blood is dominated by a macrophage-like lineage (plasmatocytes), until very recently these cells were considered to represent a homogeneous population. Here, we present our identification of enhancer elements labelling plasmatocyte subpopulations, which vary in abundance across development. These subpopulations exhibit functional differences compared to the overall population, including more potent injury responses and differential localisation and dynamics in pupae and adults. Our enhancer analysis identified candidate genes regulating plasmatocyte behaviour pan-plasmatocyte expression of one such gene (Calnexin14D) improves wound responses, causing the overall population to resemble more closely the subpopulation marked by the Calnexin14D-associated enhancer. Finally, we show that exposure to increased levels of apoptotic cell death modulates subpopulation cell numbers. Taken together this demonstrates macrophage heterogeneity in Drosophila, identifies mechanisms involved in subpopulation specification and function and facilitates the use of Drosophila to study macrophage heterogeneity in vivo.Outbreak investigations are essential to control and prevent the dissemination of pathogens. This study developed and validated a complete analysis protocol for faster and more accurate surveillance and outbreak investigations of antibiotic-resistant microbes based on Oxford Nanopore Technologies (ONT) DNA whole-genome sequencing. The protocol was developed using 42 methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates identified from former well-characterized outbreaks. The validation of the protocol was performed using Illumina technology (MiSeq, Illumina). Additionally, a real-time outbreak investigation of six clinical S. aureus isolates was conducted to test the ONT-based protocol. The suggested protocol includes (1) a 20 h sequencing run; (2) identification of the sequence type (ST); (3) de novo genome assembly; (4) polishing of the draft genomes; and (5) phylogenetic analysis based on SNPs. After the sequencing run, it was possible to identify the ST in 2 h (20 min per isolate). Assemblies were achieved after 4 h (40 min per isolate) while the polishing was carried out in 7 min per isolate (42 min in total). The phylogenetic analysis took 0.6 h to confirm an outbreak. Overall, the developed protocol was able to at least discard an outbreak in 27 h (mean) after the bacterial identification and less than 33 h to confirm it. All these estimated times were calculated considering the average time for six MRSA isolates per sequencing run. During the real-time S. aureus outbreak investigation, the protocol was able to identify two outbreaks in less than 31 h. The suggested protocol enables identification of outbreaks in early stages using a portable and low-cost device along with a streamlined downstream analysis, therefore having the potential to be incorporated in routine surveillance analysis workflows. In addition, further analysis may include identification of virulence and antibiotic resistance genes for improved pathogen characterization.learn more
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