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Muhammad Hanif profile picture

Muhammad Hanif

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Location Jakarta, Indonesia Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
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Five Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
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One Year Club
Making Tailwind more fun(ctional) by using pipeable api in tailwind-fun

Making Tailwind more fun(ctional) by using pipeable api in tailwind-fun

2 min read

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Simplify Your Tailwind CSS Workflow with tailwind-fun

Simplify Your Tailwind CSS Workflow with tailwind-fun

Comments 4
4 min read
Creating a Simple Express JWT Authentication Middleware with Express-Kun (No need of setuping Passport!)

Creating a Simple Express JWT Authentication Middleware with Express-Kun (No need of setuping Passport!)

Comments 9
5 min read
Things I learned While Developing Express-Kun (Backend Helpers for express app development)

Things I learned While Developing Express-Kun (Backend Helpers for express app development)

4 min read
Building an Express Application with Express-Kun, a functional-paradigm express helper - Part 1 (Intro and Setup)

Building an Express Application with Express-Kun, a functional-paradigm express helper - Part 1 (Intro and Setup)

4 min read
React Native JS Only Environment Variable Library

React Native JS Only Environment Variable Library

Comments 1
1 min read