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Hasan Zohdy
Hasan Zohdy

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52-Nodejs Course 2023: Events: Http Events

So we saw in our previous article how to use the events in the database. Now we will see how to use the events in the request.

Request Events

Requests will have many events actually, let's see it.

  • validation: Validation has also multiple events, let's see them:
    • validation.validating: This event is fired when the validation is started.
    • validation.pass: This event is fired when the validation is successful.
    • validation.failed: This event is fired when the validation is failed.
    • validation.done: This event is fired when the validation is done either successful or failed.
  • request: Requests events list
    • request.executingMiddleware: This event is fired before executing all the middlewares.
    • request.executedMiddleware: This event is fired after executing all the middlewares.
    • request.executingAction: This event is fired before the action is executed.
    • request.executedAction: This event is fired after the action is executed and before the response is sent.
  • response: Response events list
    • response.sending: Fired when the response is about to be sent.
    • response.sent: Fired when the response has been sent.
    • response.success: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 2xx.
    • response.successCreate: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 201.
    • response.badRequest: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 400.
    • response.unauthorized: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 401.
    • response.throttled: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 429, which means the request has been throttled.
    • response.forbidden: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 403.
    • response.notFound: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 404.
    • response.serverError: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 500.
    • response.error: Fired when the response has been sent and the status code is 4xx or 5xx.

Too Many Events? Yes, but it's very useful. Let's see how to use them.

So we have here mainly three types of events:

  • validation: This series of events is by the Validator class.
  • request: This series of events is by the Request class.
  • response: This series of events is by the Response class.

Each one of them has a different set of events, based on the situation of the event we'll start handle the event trigger.

🎨 Conclusion

We just introduced our Http Events types that will be used in our project, in our next article we'll start implementing first the validation events.

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