Hello! This is my first weekly update of 2021! Around a week ago, I posted an article specifying my goals for 2021:
As promised, I will be giving weekly updates on my progress and how you can learn these stuff too. Let's dive right into it!
Weekly Update
I started off 2021 very strong, knocking a couple of things off my list. Firstly, I played around with Node.js, Typescript, Svelte, authentication with Passport.js, and JWTs by creating a VSCode extension. Since all these things weren't that new to me, it wasn't that hard to create a project with these technologies. Next, I decided that I wanted to learn Rust. Why Rust you ask, well its memory safe and FAST (like close to C++ fast). Also, Rust is a low level, statically typed language which I thought would be a challenge to learn coming from a Python, Javascript background. I took this course on Udemy, learning the basics of Rust and creating my own HTTP server from scratch. After 2 days of following that course, I wanted to experiment with the language further. I created my own command-line calculator in Rust (GUI tutorial coming soon).
Simple command-line calculator in Rust.
Simple command-line calculator in Rust.
To Run
Clone this repository
Make sure you have Rust and cargo installed
Cd into the project directory and type
cargo run
To test: run
cargo test
Overall, I think it was a successful week! Next, I will focus on getting a better grasp on the Rust syntax and start experimenting with it further. Thanks for reading!
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