Why read Ivan Illich today? What does the thought of this radical historian have to bear on our modern tech world? In this episode, Madhu Suri Prakash and Dana L. Stuchul of Penn State University interview Michael Sacasas on his work as being a sort of bridge or interlocutor of Illich's thoughts. They talk about schooling and inequality in COVID, ways of thinking about technology, a life of planning vs. gift, convivial tools, redemption of work, and more. (Recorded in December 2020) Transcript: https://hopeinsource.com/illich
It's a guest podcast, as I just edited it!
Previously: https://hopeinsource.com/convivial, https://hopeinsource.com/limits
The International Journal of Illich Studies: https://journals.psu.edu/illichstudies/index
- [00:33] Working within the Christian tradition
- [03:04] Why start the newsletter?
- [07:16] Lost year of schooling
- [09:00] Inequality in COVID
- [14:03] What's Compelling about Illich?
- [17:28] Resisting the frame of control and embracing gift
- [22:03] Tesla as a "solution"
- [26:29] The challenge of needs
- [28:12] Progeny
- [30:24] Redeeming work
- [33:16] The body and senses
- [34:50] Playfulness
- [36:34] Why read Illich today?
- [40:43] Making Illich accessible
- [44:24] Starting point to his work?
- [47:27] Illich in Conversation