Hi there! Thanks for listening, and I hope you'll follow along on my journey!
Episode Overview:
Finished the freeCodeCamp Scatterplot Project! As usual, it was some small mistakes that were preventing me from passing all the tests a couple weeks ago. It always pays dividends to walk away from something (when possible) and come back with a fresh perspective!
I also have some additional functionality to add to the Infinite Memory Verse Site to get it ready to submit to Hashnode's February Hackathon challenge.
Resources mentioned:
- My Scatterplot Project
- My Article about the Scatterplot Project
- Infinite Memory Verse Site
- Preview of my Sacred Geometry iPhone Wallpaper Collection
- freeCodeCamp Data Visualization
Links for the coding challenge I'm doing:
- 2022 Web Developer Challenge
- 100 Days of Code
- freeCodeCamp
- freeCodeCamp Become A Dev Challenge Log (free Google spreadsheet I made for you to track your own motivations, notes and progress for the Web Developer Challenge)
- Tweet at me
I would love to hear from you!
- Find me on eamonncottrell.com
- Follow me on Twitter @EamonnCottrell
- Follow me on Linkedin @EamonnCottrell
- Follow me on gitHub @sieis