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Ibrahim S
Ibrahim S

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Scaling Mistakes | Kubernetes

Top 5 Kubernetes Scaling Mistakes That Will Break Your Cluster:

  1. Only Using Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA)
    • HPA scales pods, but what if your nodes are full? Your pods won’t scale at all!
    Solution: Combine HPA with Cluster Autoscaler to scale nodes dynamically.

  2. Not Using Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA)
    • Are the pods using too many or too few resources? Your cluster is bleeding money.
    Solution: Enable VPA to adjust pod CPU & memory requests automatically.

  3. Ignoring Load Balancer & Traffic Distribution
    • Scaling pods without a smart traffic strategy leads to overloaded instances.
    Solution: Use Ingress controllers (NGINX, Traefik) + Service Mesh (Istio, Linkerd) to balance traffic.

  4. Using Default Node Sizes & Spot Instances Without Planning
    • Spot instances disappear anytime, and your pods go down with them.
    Solution: Use multiple node pools (On-Demand + Spot) for better reliability.

  5. No Scaling Policies for Stateful Workloads
    • Databases don’t scale like stateless apps. If your PostgreSQL pod scales incorrectly, you’ll corrupt data.
    Solution: Use StatefulSets with proper read/write strategies to avoid downtime.

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