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Wyatt Yildirim
Wyatt Yildirim

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Role involving SIRT1 along with Progesterone Opposition within Normal and Irregular Endometrium.

Results Three types of vagitories based on plant extracts had a positive effect in the treatment of vaginitis. Vagitories based on tea tree oil showed better efficiency compared to vagitories with St. John's wort and vagitories based on extracts of five plants. Women in postmenopausal group reported better tolerability of St. John's wort-based and five herbs-based vagitories compared to tea tree oil based vagitories. Conclusion Investigated vagitories showed a positive effect on both objective and subjective symptoms of vagitnis. No serious side effects were reported.Aim To investigate the effect of intermittent traction therapy (ITT) on pain in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP). Methods A total of 81 patients with CLBP were included experimental group received ITT (n=40) and control group received conservative physical treatment (n=41) 10 times for two weeks. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for measuring low back pain. Results In the experimental group, 26 (out of 40; 65.0%) patients were females, in the control group 20 (out of 41; 48.8%) were females (p=0.141). In a within-group comparison, median of VAS value was significantly decreased in both groups after ITT. A comparison of pre-intervention and post-intervention VAS value showed no statistically significant difference. Females from the experimental group had a significantly greater decrease of VAS compared with females from the control group. Patients in the ITT group with L5/S1 level of hernia had lower estimated marginal mean of VAS scale compared to the control group, as well the patients with left side of leg pain. Conclusion Intermittent traction therapy is an effective treatment for pain reduction in patients with chronic low back pain.Aim Uncommon and rare hip diseases are sources of pain and functional limitation particularly in young patients. Some of these conditions may be nowadays treated by arthroscopy due to the expertise and technical tips that high-volume hip arthroscopies have achieved during the last decades ensuring a wider range of indications for such a procedure. The aim of this study was to evaluate clinical results of arthroscopy in treating uncommon or rare diseases of the hip at a single Institution. Methods Thirteen patients affected by several types of diseases were treated by a hip arthroscopy and retrospectively evaluated. All patients were operated by the same surgeon, instrumentation and technique, but postoperative rehabilitative protocol was tailored on each patient and his disease. Each patient underwent a specific imaging, consisting of dedicated x-rays and arthro-MRI. Modified Harris Hip score (mHHS) and Non-Arthritic Hip score (NAHS) were used before and after surgery to clinically assess the outcome. Results All patients reported satisfaction, pain relief, and a good functional recovery at the latest follow-up visit. Only one patient affected by chondromatosis reported a recurrence of synovitis and needed a further arthroscopy 25 months after the index operation. No complications were reported at the latest follow-up. The NAHS and mHHS showed good improvements and all patients referred high satisfaction. Conclusion Hip arthroscopy performed by expert and high-volume surgeons may ensure good results in patients affected by uncommon and rare hip diseases.Hydatid cyst is a common zoonosis caused by larval forms of tapeworms called Echinococcus. The problem often occurs in the liver or lung. Cyst rupture and secondary bacterial infection are the most important complications of pulmonary hydatid cyst (PHC). PHC may mimic serious lung diseases such as treatment-resistant pneumonia, tuberculosis, and tumours. This report discusses the case of a paediatric patient with PHC who presented with chronic cough, hilar lymphadenopathies up to 3 cm, and worsening symptoms despite non-specific pneumonia treatment. Hence, PHC should be considered in patients with treatment-resistant pneumonia and mediastinal lymphadenopathy.Human toxocariasis is a parasitic disease transmitted to humans by ingestion of Toxocara spp. larvae. Rural area residents and children have higher risk for this parasitic infection. The disease is frequently asymptomatic; however, it may cause symptoms such as cough, fever, headache, myalgia or other conditions such as lymphadenopathy and granulomatous hepatitis. Albendazole is used for the treatment of toxocariasis diagnosed by serologic and immunological methods. Herein, we report two cases of toxocariasis that were investigated due to hypereosinophilia and lymphadenopathy for a long time.Scabies is a cutaneous infectious disease caused by the ectoparasite Sarcoptes scabiei. The disease has gained attention due to its increasing incidence in recent years. Rare and atypical forms of scabies can imitate many other cutaneous conditions. Such unfamiliar presentations may lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment. Localised scabies is extremely rare and only few cases have been reported in the relevant literature. Herein, we report the case of a 4-month-old girl presenting with localised scabies limited to the right plantar surface. To the best of our knowledge, scabies restricted to the plantar region has never been reported in the paediatric population. Furthermore, scabies restricted to a single foot has never been reported in any age group. Awareness about the atypical and extraordinary manifestations of scabies can lead to early diagnosis and treatment and, thus, decrease disease-related morbidity and risk of transmission.Ophthalmomyiasis is the infestation of the eye with fly larvae. Oestrus ovis is one of the most common causes of ophthalmomyiasis worldwide. Herein, we describe a case of external ophthalmomyiasis caused by Oestrus ovis in an 18-year-old female living in the city centre of Istanbul and who had no history of contact with any animal.Rhinosporidium seeberi (R. seeberi) causes rhinosporidiosis, which is manifested as tumor-like polyps developing primarily in the nostrils and conjunctiva in human and animals. This disease is characterized by the presence of large, round-shaped mature stage and small endospores with resistance to culturing. R. seeberi was first reported in 1900 as a sporozoan parasite, but later classified as a lower fungi, although its morphological similarity with aquatic parasites were also noticed. Opaganib supplier According to 18S small-subunit ribosomal DNA sequencing, R. seeberi belongs to a group of fish parasite DRIP clade located between the animal and fungal divergence. Histological examination is thus necessary for the definitive diagnosis of rhinosporidiosis, and the first line of treatment is usually total surgical excision and electro-cauterization of the polyp base. Among the drug therapies attempted, remission has been reported in some patients who received only Dapson treatment. This disease is endemic across India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka and occurs sporadically in other parts of The World with a common history of patients bathing in stagnant water.Opaganib supplier

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