Have you ever heard of the saying 'Embrace the boredom'? If you haven't, then you're in luck. In this sprint episode, Emmanuel and Chuka talk about being bored in tech and how sometimes boredom can be a good thing for your career and how to move past that phase into greater things. We also discuss the dangers of being in that state of boredom for too long and what companies and employers can do to help.
We hope you enjoy listening to this as much as we did recording it.
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Show Notes & Resources
[01:53] - Atomic Habits by James Clear - https://jamesclear.com/atomic-habits
[07:48] - Fintech (Financial Technology) - https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/fintech.asp
[10:49] - mogwai.'s (developer) onboarding at his new job - https://mobile.twitter.com/LifeOfMogwai/status/1384124939955892224
[12:55] - Average time to onboard a new developer - https://codementorio.medium.com/heres-how-you-should-onboard-new-developers-3adbd715dbc1
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