Welcome to Iteration, a weekly podcast about programming, development, and design.
John: Hey I'm John I run a firm that builds web and mobile apps.
Happy new year — this week we're talking through resolutions and goals for 2020 as software developers:
JP — Goal #1: Build a full stack app with Elixir
- really stretching myself here on this full stack node app
JP — Goal #2: System design
- maybe even pick up UML?
JP — Goal #3: Algorithm fundamentals
- Going through https://interviewcamp.io/
John — Goal #1 Blog
Blog / Write / Document my work more
- Motivation:
- It helps ideas stick
- Some of my best clients have been gained through my blog.
- It's a good way to give back.
- Become a better communicator.
- Document for the team.
John — Goal #2: System design
- I'm copying JP Here — already been wanting to re-read through Domain Driven Design, (The lost season 1 LOLZ)
- Web Scaleabaility for Startup Engeneers
John — Goal #3 JavaScript
- JavaScript Skillz Up.
- I've made strides in 2019 but I want to take it to the next level.
- I still find front end intimidating.
- I limit myself in functionality to avoid complex UI.
- It holds back product sometimes.
John — Goal #4 Focus
- Focus more on my core.
- I spend a lot of time on accounting, project management, issue triage and more.
- I want to have better processes, tooling, automation and team support on the things I'm not good at.
- Processes — QA, Client Handoff, Documentation
- Tooling — Project Management, Error Handling, Staging, Documentation
- Automation — Weekly updates, Invoicing, Payroll