Welcome to Iteration, a weekly podcast about programming, development, and design.
Ruby on Rails: 5 Things we hate 5 things we love. A quick overview of some of the key concepts, limitations, and strengths of the Ruby on Rails Framework.
😍John - Convention over configuration
There is a strong "Rails way" this lets you focus on product, higher level abstractions, and move quicker through your day to day. You have less decisions to make.
🤮Convention over configuration
The "Rails way" is stupid, puts you in a box. Sometimes my needs and problems don't fit into the rails conventions.
😍Love: It's Stable and reliable.
No "shiny object" syndrome that you get in the JavaScript community.
🤮Hate: It's boring and doesn't keep up with modern trends. [jp]
I never know the right balance of "React" sprinkles inside of my .erb files. Sometimes it feels like I should just do a full blown SPA? Plus, sometimes making a form in React is so much easier for me than remembering all of the weird Rails Form shit
😍Love: It's server rendered.
🤮Hate: It's server rendered.
😍Love: It' just Ruby
🤮Hate: Forms
Why are forms so damn complicated? Maybe I just don't have a good understanding of data modeling...
😍Love: Old tutorials for things are mostly still relevant
🤮Hate: Rails devs are just "Script kiddies"
JP: 🧦 https://bombas.com/
John: Abstract — Netfilx