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Cover image for πŸš€ I Built a React Landing Page Template using TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Here is the result in video πŸŽ₯.
Remi W.
Remi W.

Posted on

πŸš€ I Built a React Landing Page Template using TypeScript and Tailwind CSS. Here is the result in video πŸŽ₯.

Recently, I've built several Landing Page in React with modern and trendy technologies like Next JS, TypeScript and Tailwind. By building this template, I've learned so much about frontend development and user interface. Now, I am not ashamed anymore to show the result even if it isn't perfect. For your information, I have more a backend experience and building ugly interfaces was my standard.

Here is the result in the video:

Open to feedback and suggestion.

Next JS Landing Page Template Free

If you want to learn more, I've open sourced a light version on GitHub at : Next JS Landing Page Template GitHub

And you can find a Next JS Landing Page Template Free Live Demo

Built with developer experience in mind:

  • Next JS with TypeScript
  • Styling with Tailwind CSS
  • ESLint, Prettier and Husky included out-of-the-box
  • SEO friendly
  • Production-ready

It includes several React components:

  • Navigation
  • Hero
  • Features
  • Call to action banner
  • Footer

More than 100+ ⭐ stars on GitHub.

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