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Jader Lima

With over 10 years of experience in Data Engineering, Business Intelligence, and Development. I have a solid track record in developing Batch and Streaming data pipelines using Azure technologies such

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Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

Using Google Cloud Functions for Three-Tier Data Processing with Google Composer and Automated Deployments via GitHub Actions

11 min read

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Using Cloud Functions and Cloud Schedule to process data with Google Dataflow

Using Cloud Functions and Cloud Schedule to process data with Google Dataflow

7 min read
Loading data to Google Big Query using Dataproc workflow templates and cloud Schedule

Loading data to Google Big Query using Dataproc workflow templates and cloud Schedule

12 min read
Creating a data pipeline using Dataproc workflow templates and cloud Schedule

Creating a data pipeline using Dataproc workflow templates and cloud Schedule

12 min read
Running pyspark jobs on Google Cloud Dataproc

Running pyspark jobs on Google Cloud Dataproc

7 min read