DEV Community

Jaime López
Jaime López

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Power Up Your SharePoint Embedded Solutions with the Starter Kit

SharePoint Embedded has revolutionized the way organizations work with Microsoft files. By not relying on the graphical interface, it has opened up a world of possibilities for creating richer, more personalized experiences. However, managing multiple containers, each with its own settings and permissions, can quickly become a complex and error-prone task.

What's the problem? Complexity when it comes to managing containers. As the number of containers in a SharePoint Embedded solution increases, a number of challenges arise:

  • Manual configuration: Configuring each container individually is a tedious and error-prone process.
  • Scalability: As the solution grows, manual container management becomes increasingly difficult to maintain.
  • Security: Ensuring that each container has the proper permissions is crucial to protecting data.
  • Consistency: Maintaining a consistent configuration across multiple containers can be a challenge.

SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit Home Page Application

To address these challenges, an effective solution is to develop a custom application to manage SharePoint Embedded containers. The SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit provides a solid foundation to begin this development, offering a number of components and examples that can be tailored to the specific needs of each organization.

Let's see what the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit is and its components and how we can benefit from it.

Easy To Use Because It's A Power Platform Solution

The SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit is a valuable resource for organizations looking to develop custom applications for container management. Provided by Microsoft at no cost, this starter kit demonstrates how to create a container and files management application using the Power Platform.

SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit Containers Page Application

As a Power Platform solution, the Starter Kit requires the Power Platform Creator Kit to be installed for deployment. This low-code approach simplifies development, making it accessible to a wider range of users.

Key Benefits of the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit:

  • Customization: The unmanaged nature of the solution allows for modification and extension of its components.
  • Learning Resource: Analyzing the Starter Kit's components can provide insights into building similar custom applications.
  • Automation Opportunities: Existing flows within the Starter Kit can serve as examples for automating tasks like daily container file reviews.

Know It To Master It

The SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit provides a valuable starting point for building custom container management applications. This pre-built solution, based on the Power Platform, offers a foundation of components and functionalities that can be adapted and extended to meet specific needs.

Files screen detail at development stage

Central to the solution is a Power Apps application, serving as the primary user interface for administrators to manage containers. This application features four main screens, each designed to provide access to specific functionalities. Preconfigured components, parameterized by Microsoft's SharePoint Embedded team, ensure seamless interaction with the underlying SharePoint Embedded solution.

To handle the backend logic and interactions with SharePoint Embedded, it has been implemented 20 Power Automate flows. These flows utilize the Microsoft Graph API to execute actions related to container management, column management, property management, and file management. Each flow follows a straightforward structure, triggered by the Power Apps application and executing HTTP actions to interact with the Microsoft Graph API (Premium license required).

GetContainerProperties workflow detail

By understanding these components, organizations can effectively customize the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit to meet their unique requirements or create entirely new solutions based on this solid foundation.

What Are The Benefits Then

When building a new application, starting with a proven codebase, like the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit, can significantly accelerate development and reduce costs. By reusing existing code and components, you can:

  • Save time and resources: Instead of starting from scratch, you can focus on building the unique features of your new application, saving time and effort.
  • Reduce costs: Lower initial investment and increased developer efficiency lead to reduced overall development costs.
  • Innovate: Building on a solid foundation allows you to explore new ideas and functionality without having to worry about the underlying infrastructure.

In essence, reusing the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit provides a strong starting point for your new application, enabling you to develop faster, spend less, and innovate more effectively.


SharePoint Embedded is a powerful service, but like any powerful service, it requires careful management to avoid complexity. Microsoft offers a free-to-use solution, the SharePoint Embedded Starter Kit, built on the Power Platform, to help you get started.

This starter kit provides a basic application for managing your containers, allowing you to analyze the code and use it as a reference for interacting with SharePoint Embedded Graph endpoints. Whether you're starting a new project or looking to learn more about SharePoint Embedded, this kit is a valuable resource.

By effectively managing your SharePoint Embedded environment, you can unlock its full potential and avoid the pitfalls of complexity.


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