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Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

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Hacktoberfest Update 4/4 completed

It's the last days of Hacktoberfest. It's also the weekend plus Halloween. So this is about as far as I probably go this year.Here's a quick update on my progress.


4 Pull requests accepted and matured. I have reached the Hacktoberfest goal. I wanted to go beyond the goal and have a couple things outstanding.

1 documentation Pull Request is pending.
1 more documentation is written and waiting some feedback. The maintainer is reworking the documentation section. I have some content written but it has no where to go yet.

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I have ordered my shirt and DEV badge. I also got some holopin badges. The design this year is cool. It's on the back of the shirt so it won't be covered by my beard.

Did we have to order DEV Hacktoberfest badges last year? I didn't get a badge but also don't remember filling out a form like I did this year. If we were suppose to that explain why I didn't get one.


This is my first year maintaining a project. So far I had 4 new to Hacktoberfest PRs accepted. I haven't had time to raise new issues due to travel and working on some content for a web site.

Your Progress

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