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Cover image for What are your goals for week 43 of 2024?
Chris Jarvis
Chris Jarvis

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What are your goals for week 43 of 2024?

It's week 43 of 2024. HacktoberFest is still running, have you found an open source project to contribute to?

What are your goals for the week?

  • What are you building?
  • What will be a good result by week's end?
  • What in person or virtual events are happening this week?

This Week's Goals

I'm going to try to update these during the week or on Friday instead waiting till the next week. I'll add {UPDATED} as I go.

  • Continue Job Search.
  • Project work.
    • Make some CSS Halloween art.
    • Content update
  • Blog.
  • Find Project(s) to contribute to for Hacktoberfest. Five PRs accepted so far.

green shirt wearing sloth at computer

  • Events.
    • Tues - Wed Cypress Conference.
    • Dallas software meetup (Virtual)
    • Thursday Virtual Coffee
  • [✅] Run a goal setting thread on Virtual Coffee(VC) Slack.
  • Virtual Coffee Challenge is HacktoberFest.
  • Side project take some pictures
  • Decorate Yard for Halloween
  • Pack for trip

Your Goals for the week

Your turn what do you plan to do this week?

  • What are you building?
  • What will be a good result by week's end?
  • What in person or virtual events are happening this week? Need something this week, My meet up schedule is bare.

Cover image is my LEGO photography of an Aarakocra Ranger from D&D aiming at a target.

-$JarvisScript git commit -m "2/4 commits accepted"
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Top comments (6)

muhayr_majid_4bdf1482f1f5 profile image
Muhayr Majid

This week, focus on increasing productivity by refining teaching strategies, ensuring student engagement, and preparing lesson plans in advance. Prioritize any administrative tasks for the academy, such as organizing schedules or addressing curriculum updates.
If anyone is interested to know about SSO ID visit here

smits profile image

Interesting. Is that an open-source project?

kieran07 profile image

This is a great weekly series, and it's great to see it continued! I'm also a big fan of Hacktoberfest, it's a great opportunity to give back to the open source community.

This week, I'm focusing on finishing up a big project for work, so I'm hoping to have some extra time to contribute to a few open source projects. I'm also really excited to see how many people participate in Hacktoberfest this year!

Do you have any tips for finding a good open source project to contribute to?

jarvisscript profile image
Chris Jarvis

I'd say read through some of OpenSauced's posts. One of the things I think is missing from the official Hacktoberfest page is a way to sort repos by industry.

pengeszikra profile image
Peter Vivo • Edited

Will made a post about jsDock is why better solution than typescript, keep focus on that and don't try writing minify HTML code from sckratch - bit addicted.