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Cover image for What was your win this week?
Jess Lee
Jess Lee

Posted on

What was your win this week?


Looking back on your week -- what was something you're proud of?

All wins count -- big or small πŸŽ‰

Examples of 'wins' include:

  • Getting a promotion!
  • Starting a new project
  • Fixing a tricky bug
  • Cleaning your house...or whatever else that may spark joy πŸ˜„

Top comments (71)

andrewbrown profile image
Andrew Brown πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

I made this zucchini pizza from scratch which my 2-year-old actually ate.

pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘

Now, that is a real win. Having a toddler eating the veggies πŸ˜‚

dd profile image

@Pachi, it's not hard when you give it to him from early years 🀘

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pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘

Idk, I have been a nanny for years, and some kids just decided around 2/3 that they hate everything they used to love πŸ˜’πŸ˜‚

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dd profile image
D • Edited

@Pachi, That's sad. I hope they return to valuable food :)

jeastham1993 profile image
James Eastham

That. Looks. Incredible.

+1 for the home made pizza, so easy isn't it.

abhay676 profile image
Abhay Goswami

Finally publish my site
And started writing blogs on that.
Start working on a new project

animir profile image
Roman Voloboev

Cool, I like your style

qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚑

Its fast. What's your stack? :)

abhay676 profile image
Abhay Goswami

Gatsby for my website
And MERN stack for my project 😁

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qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚑

Is it possible to convert Wordpress to Gatsby :)

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abhay676 profile image
Abhay Goswami

Sorry, I don't know about that. ☺️

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qainsights profile image
NaveenKumar Namachivayam ⚑

Thank you :)

admindashboards profile image

Nice ..

hexangel616 profile image
Emilie Gervais

Completed CS50: Introduction to Computer Science!

maelingcodes profile image
Maeling (she/her)

Congrats!! I'm currently taking the course now.

hexangel616 profile image
Emilie Gervais • Edited

Thanks! Also, awesome! =) Enjoy it, it's the best!

pachicodes profile image
Pachi πŸ₯‘

Congrats. I started a while ago but I keep putting bit aside x.x

hexangel616 profile image
Emilie Gervais

Thanks! Ah maybe try to make daily or weekly goals related to the course if it's important for you to complete it. =)

cjtaylor1990 profile image
Corbin Taylor

I wrote a new Dev post that's was incredibly successful. I'm new to the platform, and my past record was around 200 views. My new one has almost 2400 and 160 reactions. Needless to say, huge confidence boost!

jillianntish profile image

After ten months of being in an Immersive Software Engineering Program, my team and I presented our final senior thesis project to complete our training in becoming Full-stack Software Developers!

robertsolomon12 profile image
Robert Solomon

Awesome, nice one !!

taulantsulko profile image
Taulant Sulko

Made my first post.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor

Congrats on your first post!

1st place in Mariokart

taulantsulko profile image
Taulant Sulko

I can actually hear the whistling noise of this GIF!

emma profile image
Emma Goto πŸ™

I got my newest blog shared by DEV's Twitter account! That was a nice surprise to wake up to.

nickytonline profile image
Nick Taylor



s_aitchison profile image
Suzanne Aitchison

I put a big redesign update to my website Up Your A11y live πŸ˜…

To be honest there's still lots more I need to do to spruce it up and get everything as I want but I'm so happy with the improvement over the old UI.

I was very lucky to persuade illustrator Matt Peet to turn his hand to web design and collaborate on it with me πŸ™Œ

artesanoandroid profile image
Alonso Ato Neyra

I wrote my second post! It was very exciting to work on it. This is the link in case someone is interested. Thanks!

terabytetiger profile image
Tyler V. (he/him)

Oooh, I really like your images!

As a side note, you can use

{% link %}

to share your post like this:

artesanoandroid profile image
Alonso Ato Neyra

Thanks! I will use in the future!

aschmelyun profile image
Andrew Schmelyun

Finally publishing an article that I've been dreading writing for the last few months, because I wasn't sure how it would turn out. I ended up really enjoying finishing it!

ridhwana profile image
Ridhwana Khan

It's a great post @aschmelyun - congratulations on finishing it!

skyandsand profile image
Chris C

Completed a project to audit log Apple workstations that was due in November. I wasn't thrown into the loop on it until about January so required a lot of catching up.

Apple does not play nice with 3rd parties reading OS logs. After several failed attempts and Weeks of feeling lost in the Splunk, Apple, and other documentation sauce .... I got a SSL cert generated (never did this before) as a necessary step. Pulled in some very helpful devs who make their living from logging MacOS. The monkey is off my back (aka the higher ups) and I have a greater understanding of how this all works.

TLDR: I'm still a Linux / Windows guy πŸ˜› enjoy the weekend everyone.

Going on a much needed vacation to Europe in March. First time out of the States! If anyone has any friends in London/Spain, I'm all for making friends πŸ€—

carolstran profile image
Carolyn Stransky

I published my first NPM package EVER this week πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸš€πŸ€™πŸ’ƒ

It's tiny and not useful for anyone outside of my company but I learned a lot through the process and it felt very cool to npm install my own package.

kcouliba profile image
Coulibaly Daba Kevin • Edited

I wrote my first post ever on Such a great moment writing it and doing researches about the subject
That may become an addiction :D

3sanket3 profile image
Sanket Patel

First time got bill from Netlify. But we want to stay at 0 USD application cost, even with 170 registered users and ~50 daily active ones 😎 . So optimized the build process a bit. It was simple, just was unaware of Netlify build hook feature. Thanks @ron4ex for the idea.

I got chance to set up a registration process for an event organized by BAPS (a spiritual organization). So far it is simple google form but will be automating few areas as >10k registrations are expected.

Saturday is also started exciting. We set up a boilerplate for new side project(hope I will announce soon) to our monorepo. Planning to explore NextJs as new tech with this project.

vaibhavkhulbe profile image
Vaibhav Khulbe

I listened to a TED Talk and it filled me with so much positivity! That was the best thing happened to me this week.