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How to use Notion as a backend in a project using Next.js

How to use Notion as backend

In the world of web development, the choice of backend is crucial for the functioning and scalability of an application. However, what if we could harness the capabilities of a versatile tool like Notion as the backend for our applications? In this article, we will explore how we can integrate Notion as the backend in Next.js, a combination that offers flexibility, ease of use, and creative potential for web projects.

Why Notion and Next.js?

  • Notion: Notion is an all-in-one platform that allows creating documents, databases, wikis, and more, all in one place. Its intuitive interface and powerful features make it an attractive option for managing content.
  • Next.js: Next.js is a React framework that allows building fast and scalable web applications with ease. Its focus on server-side rendering and static page generation makes it a popular choice for modern web projects.

Steps to incorporate Notion as Backend in Next.js:

1. Step 1: Notion Setup:

  • Create an account on Notion if you haven't already.
  • Create a database in Notion to store your application data.
  • Define database properties according to your application needs, such as text, numbers, options, etc.

2. Step 2: Notion API Setup:

  • Access the Notion developer area and create an integration for your application.
  • Get your Notion integration token, which will be used to authenticate requests to the API.

3. Step 3: Next.js Project Setup:

  • Create a new Next.js project using the Next.js CLI or your preferred method.
  • Install necessary dependencies to make requests to the Notion API, such as axios or another similar library.

4. Step 4: Integration with Notion API:

  • Use the Notion integration token to make requests to the API and fetch or modify data in your database.
  • Implement functions in your Next.js project to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the Notion database as needed.

5. Step 5: Data Consumption in Next.js:

  • Utilize data obtained from Notion to render dynamic content on your Next.js pages.
  • Design and style your React components using data retrieved from Notion to create an engaging user experience.


The combination of Notion as the backend and Next.js as the frontend offers a powerful and flexible way to build modern web applications. By leveraging Notion's capabilities to manage data and content, along with the speed and scalability of Next.js, developers can efficiently and effectively create sophisticated digital experiences. By following the steps mentioned above, you can incorporate Notion as the backend into your Next.js projects and unlock a new level of creativity and functionality in your web applications. Start experimenting today!

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