Vim Motions is not a feature that is only available in vim or neovim, it is a feature that is now available in various code editors by installing the vim motions plugin like in vscode we have VSCodeVim:
It doesn't matter what code editor you choose as long as there is a plugin you can try a vim motions. I myself have been using neovim for a long time, why? Because of hardware constraints, but that's what makes me very familiar with vim motions and the funny thing is that it makes me have trouble when trying other code editors.
Here I will not provide a method or cheat sheet for learning Vim Motions but rather long term effects which are very useful for developers out there, all of this is based on my experience using Vim Motions.
Efficiency, vim motion allows us to navigate quickly and efficiently within text with just a simple key combination. Efficiency is very much needed for people who need productivity if efficiency increases then productivity also increases.
Keyboard-centric, with vim motions our hands do not need to switch from keyboard to mouse to edit texts this provides, this is for those who want additional efficiency. In the context of efficiency switching the right hand (if you are not left handed) feels like a waste of time even though it may only be a fraction of a second.
Multi mode, vim and vim motions plugin allow us to have many modes such as normal mode where we spend most of our time here, normal mode is used to navigate the cursor such as "l" to move forward one letter "h" to move back 1 letter "j" to move down and "k" to move up and there is insert mode where we can type as usual, command mode to execute commands and other modes for other specific uses.
For me, those 3 things are what make Vim Motions at least something we should learn, even though it might be difficult for beginners, but with diligent practice, the results will not betray us. But it's all up to you, you can try vim motions then because you're tired you can leave it, not everything has to be vim motions, there are people who are very expert in their code editors, all code editors have their own advantages and disadvantages (the advantages can still be added with vim motion :).
If you are interested in vim motions this is one of The Primeagen playlists Vim As Your Editor Even though the name is "Vim As Your Editor", the playlist actually discusses more about Vim motions and you can learn from the experts.
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