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Kay Kleinvogel
Kay Kleinvogel

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How to build a successful landing page to validate your business idea, hook customers, and generate initial traction.

📈 Want to create a landing page that captivates visitors and drives conversions?

🔑 Here are the secrets of storytelling and essential elements for success!

The landing page serves as your "business card" on the internet and will be the first thing your customers see and interact with.

You should use it as such, and it is crucial that it effectively conveys who you are, what you do, and how you can help the customer solve their problems.

Hook your customers by telling a story

Thinking of your landing page as a story is one of the most effective ways to structure it.

There are three parts in total:

  • The Introduction: briefly describe your product.

  • The Problem: show what problem you can solve for the customers.

  • Trust: demonstrate why you are the best solution and why the customer can rely on you to solve their problem.

This three-step approach to telling a story will hook your customer and make them more likely to read your landing page.

What should be on a landing page?

There are four components that your landing page must have to convey this story:

  1. The hero section serves as your product introduction. To help attract your visitor, use large headers and bold language. You can also include a brief description of your product. Use a call-to-action button at the end of the hero section so the customer can take action immediately.

  2. The Feature section demonstrates what your visitor can do with your product. Concentrate on the issues being addressed, and use this section to provide examples showing your value to the customer. Here, display your different product tiers (for example, free, standard, and premium).

  3. You should provide social proof to your customers to gain their trust. The visitor may enjoy the concept and the features and be interested in your product. But do they have enough trust in you to give you money? Use this section to demonstrate to them that you understand what you're doing. Utilize existing customer reviews or testimonials. If you don't have any, talk about your experience with the problem you're solving. This way, you can gain trust and credibility with potential customers.

  4. Finally, tell your visitor what you expect from them. You'll need a clear and compelling call to action to accomplish this. This should be prominently displayed and clearly state what the customer should do next, whether it's signing up for a newsletter or purchasing the product.

To summarize, a landing page is an essential component of your business. By approaching it as a story and including key elements, you can create a landing page that effectively captures visitors' attention and leads them to take action.

Top comments (1)

ilyamarkin profile image
Ilya Markin

Not bad for a first read! For a more detailed overview of this topic, I advise you to read this article how to make a landing page, here the issue of the difference between a landing page and a site is well explained, and indncated the main functions of a landing page.