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K. keerthi
K. keerthi

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Let's Talk about Cyclops

Introduction to Cyclops UI
Cyclops UI is developed to offer a simplified and efficient way to manage Kubernetes clusters. It abstracts the complexities of Kubernetes, providing an easy-to-use graphical interface that facilitates the deployment, monitoring, and management of applications.

Key Features

Intuitive Dashboard-

Cyclops UI features a comprehensive dashboard that provides a real-time overview of your Kubernetes cluster, including resource utilization, health status, and running workloads. This dashboard is designed to give users a quick understanding of their cluster's state and performance.

Resource Management-

Cyclops UI allows detailed views and management capabilities for Kubernetes resources like pods, deployments, services, and namespaces. Users can easily create, update, and delete resources, making cluster management more straightforward and less error-prone.

Real-Time Monitoring-

By integrating with monitoring tools, Cyclops UI provides real-time metrics and logs. This feature helps users monitor the performance of their applications continuously and identify potential issues promptly.

Event and Log Management-

Cyclops UI provides a consolidated view of cluster events and logs. Users can filter and view logs and events, making it easier to troubleshoot and debug issues within the cluster.

Namespace and Multi-Cluster Support-

Cyclops UI supports multiple namespaces, allowing users to segment and manage different environments or applications within the same cluster. It also supports managing multiple clusters from a single interface, enhancing operational efficiency.

Installing Cyclops UI

kubectl apply -f
kubectl apply -f
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This will create a new namespace called cyclops and deploy all necessary components for Cyclops UI.

Exposing Cyclops UI

kubectl port-forward svc/cyclops-ui 3000:3000 -n cyclops
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Using Cyclops UI

Navigating the Dashboard-

The dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of your cluster's status, including resource usage, active workloads, and cluster health metrics. It is designed to help users quickly understand the current state of their Kubernetes environment.

Managing Resources-

Cyclops UI allows you to view and manage resources such as pods, deployments, and services. You can create, update, and delete resources directly from the interface, streamlining the management process.

Using Templates-

Cyclops UI includes predefined templates for common applications and services. You can use these templates to quickly deploy applications without manually writing complex YAML configurations.

Real-Time Monitoring and Logs-

The monitoring feature provides real-time metrics for your applications, helping you track performance and identify issues. The log management feature allows you to view and filter logs, making debugging and troubleshooting easier.

Advanced Features

Creating Custom Templates-

Cyclops UI allows you to create custom templates to standardize the deployment of applications. These templates can be based on Helm charts and can be reused across different environments and projects.

Integrating with GitHub Actions-

Cyclops UI can be integrated with GitHub Actions to automate the deployment and management of applications. This integration allows you to trigger deployments automatically based on changes in your GitHub repository.

Customizing Module Details-

Cyclops UI provides the ability to create custom views for the resources used by your modules. This feature helps tailor the interface to better meet the needs of different users and teams.

Contributing to Cyclops-

Cyclops UI is open-source and welcomes contributions from the community. You can contribute by submitting code, providing feedback, writing documentation, or starring the repository on GitHub.
Roadmap and Future Plans**
Cyclops UI has a detailed roadmap that includes:

  • Support for private GitHub repositories
  • Authentication and role-based access control
  • GitOps integration
  • Support for Kustomize templates
  • Windows support for the cyctl CLI
  • Customizable module details pages Image description

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