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Kenneth Kimani profile picture

Kenneth Kimani

Software Engineer based in Nairobi

Location Nairobi,Kenya Joined Joined on  Email address github website twitter website


Strathmore University


Software Engineer

Nylas Challenge Completion Badge
Four Year Club
Stellar Smart Contract Challenge Completion Badge
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Writing Debut
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Building an AI-Powered Email Assistant with Nylas and OpenAI

Building an AI-Powered Email Assistant with Nylas and OpenAI

2 min read

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Integrating Stellar Payments into a Django Web Application

Integrating Stellar Payments into a Django Web Application

Comments 4
11 min read
Building a TaskManager Serverless Python Api with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch events, DynamoDB and Cognito

Building a TaskManager Serverless Python Api with AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudWatch events, DynamoDB and Cognito

17 min read
Deploying Your First Dockerized Django REST API on AWS Elastic Beanstalk: A Comprehensive Guide

Deploying Your First Dockerized Django REST API on AWS Elastic Beanstalk: A Comprehensive Guide

Comments 2
8 min read
Implementing JWT Authentication and User Profile with Django Rest API Part 3

Implementing JWT Authentication and User Profile with Django Rest API Part 3

Comments 8
8 min read
Building out a Notes App with React and a Django Rest API Part 2

Building out a Notes App with React and a Django Rest API Part 2

13 min read
Building out a Notes App with React and a Django Rest API Part 1

Building out a Notes App with React and a Django Rest API Part 1

Comments 3
6 min read