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Kuncheria Kuruvilla
Kuncheria Kuruvilla

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TypeScript Type Utilities: Extracting Array Element Types

TypeScript provides the ability to create custom type utilities that can simplify complex type operations. In this blog post, we'll explore a custom type utility called ArrayElement, which is designed to extract the element type of an array. We'll also demonstrate how it can be utilized in practical scenarios.

The ArrayElement Type Utility

Let's begin by taking a closer look at the ArrayElement type utility:

type ArrayElement<ArrayType extends readonly unknown[]> =
ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] ? ElementType : never;
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At first glance, this code might appear a bit cryptic, but we'll break it down step by step.

The ArrayElement type utility is a generic type that expects an array type, denoted as ArrayType, as its parameter. Its primary purpose is to determine the data type of the elements within the array.

Conditional Typing

One of the powerful features of TypeScript is conditional typing, and this is where it comes into play in the ArrayElement type. The conditional expression ArrayType extends readonly (infer ElementType)[] checks if the ArrayType meets the criteria of an array represented as readonly (infer ElementType)[]. The readonly keyword ensures that the array is read-only, making it compatible with most TypeScript arrays.(Read more)

Extracting the Element Type

If the ArrayType satisfies the condition, TypeScript proceeds to infer the element type of the array and assigns it to the variable ElementType. In essence, this step extracts the type of the elements contained within the array.

Using the never Type

On the other hand, if the ArrayType does not match the pattern of a read-only array, TypeScript uses the never type. The never type is a TypeScript construct indicating that a type does not exist or is not valid in the given context. In this case, it signifies that the ArrayType is not an array as per the defined criteria.

Practical Usage

Now that we've examined the ArrayElement type utility, let's see how it can be applied in practical scenarios.

Consider the following example:

type NumbersArray = Array<number>;
const numbers: NumbersArray = [10, 20, 30];

const number: ArrayElement<NumbersArray> = 12;
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In this example, we define a type called NumbersArray, which represents an array containing numbers. We then initialize an array called numbers with values 10, 20, and 30, and TypeScript ensures that it adheres to the defined NumbersArray type.

Next, we declare a constant variable named number and assign it the value 12. TypeScript's type inference capabilities come into play here. By using the ArrayElement type utility with NumbersArray as the generic type parameter, TypeScript correctly deduces that number should have a type of number. This showcases how the ArrayElement utility can be used to ensure that a variable is of the expected element type.


Custom type utilities, like the ArrayElement type we've explored here, can greatly enhance the type safety and expressiveness of your TypeScript code. By utilizing conditional typing and type inference, you can create more robust and maintainable TypeScript applications. Whether you're building web applications, libraries, or APIs, TypeScript's type system offers valuable tools to keep your code reliable and error-free.

Top comments (2)

mosaabemam profile image
Mosaab Emam

This is what I think of when I hear "Type Gymnastics". They still scare me.

kuncheriakuruvilla profile image
Kuncheria Kuruvilla

Yes, I agree they can a be a little daunting and difficult to get around. But this is something that had helped to ensure strict type safety with a package that only exposed the type of an array as a whole and not the type of an element.