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Kyle Johnson

I drink coffee and make things.

Location London Joined Joined on  Personal website github website


Co Founder @ Flagsmith

Writing Debut
Seven Year Club
1 Week Community Wellness Streak
Six Year Club
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
Implementing Feature Flags with Next.js and App Router

Implementing Feature Flags with Next.js and App Router

Comments 8
12 min read

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Improving your React Native application performance with react-navigation-focus-render

Improving your React Native application performance with react-navigation-focus-render

3 min read
Using Feature Flags to troll our competitor without a line of code 😃

Using Feature Flags to troll our competitor without a line of code 😃

Comments 3
2 min read
What I've learned creating a React / React Native performance monitor

What I've learned creating a React / React Native performance monitor

Comments 3
4 min read
Achieving a perfect 100% Google Lighthouse audit score with Next and Redux

Achieving a perfect 100% Google Lighthouse audit score with Next and Redux

Comments 8
6 min read
Our Tools - 2019 Edition

Our Tools - 2019 Edition

Comments 8
3 min read
Overcoming bottlenecks between design, frontend and backend developers

Overcoming bottlenecks between design, frontend and backend developers

Comments 2
6 min read
Step by Step - Writing end to end tests for your web project

Step by Step - Writing end to end tests for your web project

7 min read
Hacking our e2e tests to make them more useful

Hacking our e2e tests to make them more useful

Comments 4
5 min read
A sensible approach to Cross platform development with React and React Native

A sensible approach to Cross platform development with React and React Native

Comments 3
6 min read
I've released over 100 apps in React Native since 2015, Ask Me Anything!

I've released over 100 apps in React Native since 2015, Ask Me Anything!

Comments 165
1 min read
Using feature flags for client demos and simulating complex scenarios

Using feature flags for client demos and simulating complex scenarios

Comments 6
1 min read
Developing NPM modules for Web and React Native simultaneously with Webpack

Developing NPM modules for Web and React Native simultaneously with Webpack

Comments 1
5 min read
Using our continuous integration tool to continuously integrate our continuous integration tool

Using our continuous integration tool to continuously integrate our continuous integration tool

3 min read
Bullet Train: Using feature flags and remote config in CI

Bullet Train: Using feature flags and remote config in CI

3 min read
Building a pixel wall in virtual reality with React VR and RIO! Our first impressions

Building a pixel wall in virtual reality with React VR and RIO! Our first impressions

3 min read
We built a giant pixel wall for fun, but what we learnt went a lot further.

We built a giant pixel wall for fun, but what we learnt went a lot further.

5 min read
It's cross platform and massively reduces app dev costs, but WTF is React Native?

It's cross platform and massively reduces app dev costs, but WTF is React Native?

Comments 6
5 min read