On this episode, Kurt talks about his journey from being incarcerated to becoming a dev rel at Apolo. Kurt shares the struggles that he has faced after coming out and starting this journey to become a web developer.
We talk about the return from talks as a dev advocate or dev rel compared with live streaming. In Kurt's opinion streaming is better to get your product out there, because it lets you do more streams than talks and you can get parts of your stream and turn them into more polished things.
As part of Kurt's job, we talk about Apollo, graphql, dev advocacy and dev relations, but also about networking, creating a community of people, creating content and learning in public.
Kurt also shares how learning in public helped him with his role working with graphql since when folks started to search about graphql his articles would appear first because he wrote content about graphql, when the technology was still new.
Finally a piece of advice from Kurt: Having a support system that can help you with your struggles, that's why community is so important and finding the right people that can help you.
Kurt Kemple:
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/kurtkemple
- Website: https://theworst.dev
- Twitch: https://twitch.tv/theworstdev
Read the full description on the website: landingintech.com/episodes/ep9-kurt-kemple-on-using-tech-to-improve-your-life/
Read the transcript: landingintech.com/transcripts/ep9-kurt-kemple/