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Leonard Kioi kinyanjui profile picture

Leonard Kioi kinyanjui

Passionate about my craft. Favorite tools are Typescript, React, NextJS, and TailwindCSS.

Location Nairobi, Kenya Joined Joined on  Personal website github website twitter website
Six Year Club
Writing Debut
Five Year Club
Four Year Club
Three Year Club
Two Year Club
One Year Club
How to fix Dart Lang Error: RangeError (index): Index out of range: no indices are valid: 0

How to fix Dart Lang Error: RangeError (index): Index out of range: no indices are valid: 0

1 min read

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Pattern Matching in Python

Pattern Matching in Python

Comments 1
2 min read
Python's removesuffix and removeprefix

Python's removesuffix and removeprefix

1 min read
Improving readability of Python code

Improving readability of Python code

Comments 1
2 min read
Setting up Dart for Local Development

Setting up Dart for Local Development

2 min read
How to Run A Flutter App on Genymotion

How to Run A Flutter App on Genymotion

1 min read
Named Parameters in Dart, Swift and Python

Named Parameters in Dart, Swift and Python

1 min read
How To Get your PRs merged faster

How To Get your PRs merged faster

2 min read
Flutter Loading Screen with Future Builder

Flutter Loading Screen with Future Builder

1 min read