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Leo Barnuevo
Leo Barnuevo

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How to Create your Portfolio if you don't have experience as a Software Developer:

In today's world it is not enough to have a degree, a good CV, and say that you know how to do your job. I think I am not telling you anything new, especially if you are an expert in job hunting without experience. By now, you will be more than convinced that you need a special element that allows you to move forward with greater security to find that job or those clients that you most want.

Now you know how to code, and you only need someone to trust your skills, for this the best way to show your talent is with a portfolio.

What is a Portfolio?

A portfolio is a document where you collect your best work, skills, experiences, practices, achievements, and anything else with which you can show that your work is valuable and useful.

Why use a Portfolio?

Is one of the most useful tools when looking for a job, and although it is not essential to apply for a job, it is to stand out among several candidates when you do.

The software development sector is full of great and passionate professionals, so it will be necessary to have a series of advantages before them, such as:

-Show interest in growing.
-Expand your offer as a developer.
-Create an image consistent with your CV and your training.

In short, it is a must for your professional profile, take the opportunity to put promises aside, and be able to make your talent visible in the way you best consider for your future.

How to make your Portfolio without work experience?

Creating your portfolio online, like a normal website, is ideal when you are a programmer, and also include other projects in it, in this way, there will be no better cover letter.

The fact of not having "real" jobs does not mean that you cannot make a complete portfolio, in fact, this is where your creativity begins to shine as well as your programming skills.

Think of a type of project you would like to work on and sample the work you would do. In addition, it is an exercise that can work to be clear about your specialization, your tastes, and your best skills.

Different platforms will help you to carry out this work in the best way, some of them are:


As its name implies, fake clients is literally a platform that allows you to have β€œinvented” clients, who will ask you for projects from graphic design to the creation of a web page. Not only will you be able to access the demands of a fake client, but you can also know what other users of the platform think, obtaining feedback that will allow you to improve and feel your work as if it were real. On the other hand, there are many themes within Fakeclient, so you can face new challenges and demonstrate your flexibility as a professional.

Good Brief

It is a fairly easy and fast tool to use. It is a website where you must directly choose the type of job you want and its industry. Later, it will randomly generate a briefing with information such as the name of the alleged company, the job description, and a deadline that you must meet.

Sharpen Desing

If Good Brief is easy to use, this will seem even more comfortable and simple. Sharpen Design is much more dynamic than the previous ones because all the work to receive thousands of ideas is done in two clicks, the first to choose which category you prefer (Branding, Marketing, or UX) and the second to find the ideas that you most like.

The creation of a portfolio can become one of the most enriching processes in the career of any professional. Allow yourself to discover what your strengths are so you do not miss an opportunity and detect your weak points to implement corrections. This way, you will be an integral professional and prepared for any job.

If you are just starting, it is an excellent way to practice and prepare for the job market, remember that part of our job is to learn every day, so you should take every chance to improve your skills, and these pages are a very good way to practice.

What are your personal tips for developing an irresistible portfolio for any recruiter?

I read your ideas in the comments.

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