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Luca Liu
Luca Liu

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SQL Advanced Functions - CASE, COALESCE, and NULLIF Explained


SQL provides advanced functions like CASE, COALESCE, and NULLIF that are essential for handling conditional logic, null values, and value comparisons efficiently. These functions allow you to write more dynamic and robust queries for real-world applications. In this article, we’ll explore these powerful tools with practical examples.

1. CASE: Conditional Logic in Queries

The CASE function allows you to perform conditional logic directly in SQL queries, similar to IF-THEN-ELSE in programming.


    WHEN condition1 THEN result1
    WHEN condition2 THEN result2
    ELSE resultN
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Use Cases:
• Transforming values based on conditions.
• Creating calculated columns.
• Conditional aggregation.

Example 1: Categorizing Sales Amounts

Task: Classify sales as “High”, “Medium”, or “Low” based on the Amount.


SELECT SaleID, Amount,
        WHEN Amount > 1000 THEN 'High'
        WHEN Amount BETWEEN 500 AND 1000 THEN 'Medium'
        ELSE 'Low'
    END AS SaleCategory
FROM Sales;
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SaleID Amount SaleCategory
1 1200 High
2 800 Medium
3 400 Low

Example 2: Conditional Aggregation

Task: Calculate the total sales for high-value and low-value sales separately.


    SUM(CASE WHEN Amount > 1000 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS HighValueSales,
    SUM(CASE WHEN Amount <= 1000 THEN Amount ELSE 0 END) AS LowValueSales
FROM Sales;
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HighValueSales LowValueSales
2200 1200

2. COALESCE: Handling Null Values

The COALESCE function returns the first non-null value from a list of expressions. It is particularly useful for handling NULL values in data.


COALESCE(expression1, expression2, ..., expressionN)
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Use Cases
• Providing default values for nulls.
• Combining multiple columns or expressions.

Example 1: Replacing Null Values with Defaults

Task: Replace null Discount values with 0.


SELECT SaleID, Amount, COALESCE(Discount, 0) AS FinalDiscount
FROM Sales;
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SaleID Amount FinalDiscount
1 1200 50
2 800 0
3 400 10

Example 2: Combining Multiple Columns

Task: Display the primary contact number for each customer, using the mobile number if available, or the landline number otherwise.


SELECT CustomerID,
    COALESCE(MobileNumber, LandlineNumber, 'No Contact Available') AS PrimaryContact
FROM Customers;
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CustomerID PrimaryContact
1 123-456-7890
2 555-555-5555
3 No Contact Available

3. NULLIF: Comparing Values for Equality

The NULLIF function returns NULL if two expressions are equal; otherwise, it returns the first expression. It’s useful for avoiding divide-by-zero errors or flagging redundant data.


NULLIF(expression1, expression2)
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Use Cases:
• Preventing divide-by-zero errors.
• Simplifying comparisons.

Example 1: Avoiding Divide-by-Zero Errors

Task: Calculate the profit margin as Profit / Revenue, but avoid division by zero.


SELECT ProductID, Revenue, Profit,
    Profit / NULLIF(Revenue, 0) AS ProfitMargin
FROM Financials;
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ProductID Revenue Profit ProfitMargin
101 1000 200 0.2
102 0 0 NULL

Example 2: Flagging Redundant Data

Task: Identify rows where ActualValue matches ExpectedValue.


SELECT RecordID, ActualValue, ExpectedValue,
        WHEN NULLIF(ActualValue, ExpectedValue) IS NULL THEN 'Match'
        ELSE 'Mismatch'
    END AS ComparisonResult
FROM Records;
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RecordID ActualValue ExpectedValue ComparisonResult
1 50 50 Match
2 40 50 Mismatch

Summary of Functions

Function Purpose Example Use Case
CASE Conditional logic within queries. Categorizing data based on conditions.
COALESCE Returns the first non-null value. Replacing nulls with default values.
NULLIF Returns NULL if two values are equal. Avoiding divide-by-zero errors.


Understanding and leveraging advanced SQL functions like CASE, COALESCE, and NULLIF can significantly improve the versatility and efficiency of your queries. These functions enable you to handle conditional logic, null values, and comparisons more effectively. Practice these examples in your projects to master their usage!

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