Python is a popular and a powerful scripting language that can do everything, you can perform web scraping, networking tools, scientific tools, Raspberry PI programming, Web development, video games, and much more. With Python programming, you can do even system programming regardless the platform you are using.
Machine learning work can be done using some Python libraries like TensorFlow which is used in many artificial intelligence projects.
1 Manipulating Strings
1.1 String Concatenation
1.2 String Multiplication
1.3 Concatenate with Non-string
1.4 Search for a Substring
1.5 Get Substrings
1.6 Replace strings
1.7 Strip Strings
1.8 Change Character Case
1.9 Convert Strings to Numbers
1.10 Count Strings
1.11 Iterate over Strings
1.12 Encode Strings
2 Manipulating numbers
2.1 Round Numbers
2.2 User-defined Precision Numbers
2.3 Generate Random Numbers
3 Manipulating Dates and Times
3.1 Format Date and time
3.2 Create Date from String
4 Dealing with File System
4.1 Copy Files
4.2 Move Files
4.3 Read and Write Text Files
4.4 Creating Directories
4.5 Get Access & Modification & Creation Time
4.6 Iterating Over Files
4.7 Serializing Python Objects
4.8 Compressing Files
4.9 Parse CSV Files
4.10 Parse Excel Files
5 Networking and Connectivity
5.1 Reading an E-Mail from POP mail server
5.2 Reading an E-Mail from IMAP mail server
5.3 Sending an E-Mail
5.4 Web Crawling
5.5 Post to a Web Page
5.6 Create a Mini Server
6 Threading in Python Programming
7 Using Raspberry PI
7.1 Reading from the Raspberry Piβs GPIO
Thanks in advance.
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