DEV Community

Mahbub Ferdous Bijoy
Mahbub Ferdous Bijoy

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Day-6: Network Troubleshooting, Network config, Dns

copy and rsync command:

  1. To copy a file over from local host to a remote host:
$ $ scp myfile.txt

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  1. To copy a file from a remote host to your local host:
$ scp /local/directory

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  1. To copy over a directory from your local host to a remote host:
$ scp -r mydir

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  1. rsync files on the same host:
$ rsync -zvr /my/local/directory/one /my/local/directory/two

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  1. rsync files to local host from a remote host:
$ rsync /local/directory

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  1. rsync files to a remote host from a local host:
$ rsync /local/directory

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simple server command :

  1. run simple python server command :
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

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here is network routing comamnd:

  1. Look at your machine's routing table:
$ route -n

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If we are sending a packet that is not on the same network, it will be sent to this Gateway address. Which is aptly named as being a Gateway to another network.


This is the subnet mask, used to figure out what IP addresses match what destination.


UG - Network is Up and is a Gateway
U - Network is Up

This is the interface that our packet will be going out of, eth0 usually stands for the first Ethernet device on your system.

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  1. add a new route :
$ sudo route add -net ip_address/cidr gw ip_addresss
$ ip route add ip_address via ip_address

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  1. delete any route :
$ sudo route del -net 
$ ip route delete

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network config command:

  1. network config command :
$ ifconfig 
$ ipconfig
$ ifconfig -a              [to see more details] 

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  1. To create an interface and bring it up:
$ ifconfig eth0 netmask up

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  1. To bring up or down an interface:
$ ifup eth0
$ ifdown eth0

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  1. To show interface information for all interfaces:
$ ip link show

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  1. To show the statistics of an interface:
$ ip -s link show eth0

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  1. To show ip addresses allocated to interfaces:
$ ip address show

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  1. To bring interfaces up and down:
$ ip link set eth0 up
$ ip link set eth0 down

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  1. To add an IP address to an interface:
$ ip address add dev eth0

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  1. To obtain a fresh IP:
$ sudo dhclient

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network manager command :

  1. There are also command-line tools to interact with NetworkManager:
$ nm-tool

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  1. The nmcli command allows you to control and modify NetworkManage:
$ nmcli

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  1. we lookup a MAC address with ARP command:
$ arp

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  1. You can also view your arp cache via the ip command::
$ ip neighbour show

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network troubleshoting command :

  1. One of the most simplest networking tools is ping
$ ping hostName or ip_address
$ ping
$ ping -c

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  1. The traceroute command is used to see how packets are getting routed. It works by sending packets with increasing TTL values, starting with 1:
$ traceroute hostName or Ip_address or

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  1. An extremely useful tool to get detailed information about your network is netstat. Netstat displays various network related information such network connections, routing tables, information about network interfaces and more:
$ netstat
$ netstat -at

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  1. utility to debug TCP/UDP sockets:
$ nc

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  1. we can be used to test remote connectivity on ports by using telnet command:
$ telnet

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  1. mtr is a mix of ping and traceroute. It also provides additional information like intermediate hosts and responsiveness:
$ mtr

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here all DNS related linux command:

  1. The /etc/hosts file contains mappings of some hostnames to IP addresses:
$ cat /etc/hosts

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  1. The "name server lookup" tool is used to query name servers to find information about resource records:
$ nslookup DNSname or ip_address

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  1. Dig (domain information groper) is a powerful tool for getting information about DNS name servers:
$ dig DNSname or ip_address

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