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Shell Scripting Back to Basics

Shell Scripting

1. Variables naming conventions recommended

  • file="filename.txt" no spaces allowed between '='
  • house_color, source_file
  • constants written in UpperCase Example: read only FILE="filename.txt"
  • varialbe outside of scope to be used then use exports .

2. Functions:

functions can start with function keyword or without it.

calculate_area() {
clone_repo() {
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Expanding Variables

The below both versions works well.

var="value of var"
echo ${var}
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var="value of var"
echo $var
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The difference come when appending additional string in the end. Expanding variables with {} should be used based on need.


echo "Your height is = $heightcm" # throws error
echo "Your height is = ${height}cm" # works good
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Without the quotes the variable string will split by field seperators here space.

string="One Two Three"
for element in ${string}; do
    echo ${element} # or echo $element
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Now try enclosing with the double quotes. The string will not split out and will be act as entire string as one element.

string="One Two Three"
for element in "${string}"; do
    echo ${element} # or echo $element
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One Two Three

For the below scenario we want server names seperately.

readonly SERVERS="server1 server2 server3"
for server in ${SERVERS}; do
    echo "${server}.worker-node"
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Recommended to use "" expanding variables:

  1. Directory paths, filenames
  2. Assigning URLs to variables
  3. When in doubt, use double quotes :)

Let revisit basic concepts of linux commands, loops, performing tasks. Shell scripting is much more powerfull. It follows the top down approach and only when we can it gets executed ( calling functions).

# list items
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Lets say there is some command will throws the errors to break the script over there we have declare "set -x" in the top of script.

Usage of [[ ]] for conditional controls.

if [[ 3 > 4 ]]; then
   echo " three greater than four";
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Shell script has 4 loop types

  1. While
  2. for
  3. until similar to do-while loop

While loop

while [[ $i -le 3 ]]; do
    echo "Iteration $i"
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For loop

for i in {1..3}; do
# for i in $(seq 1 3); do using the sequence as sub-shell the output from it is treated input to i
   echo "Iteration $i"
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Until Loop


until [[ $i -eq 0 ]]; do
    echo "Iteration $i"
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To import the other script file

There were sometimes we need to import variables from other files(.sh)

# conf file
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source .conf # sourcing the conf file
echo "${name}"
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what if the conf file doesnt exists. We need to checkpoint in the script

readonly CONF_FILE=".conf"
if [[ -f ${CONF_FILE} ]]; then
   source "${CONF_FILE}"

echo "${name}"
exit 0
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Functions encapsulates code. Allows re-usability.
Here is the script that takes backup without function

mkdir backup
cd backup
cp -r "file.txt" .
tar -czvf backup.tar.gz *
echo "Backup complete!!"
exit 0
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now convert to a function

perform_backup() {
  mkdir backup
  cd backup
  cp -r "${1}" .
  tar -czvf backup.tar.gz *
  echo "Backup complete!!"
perform_backup ${1}
exit 0
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Cloning a git repo


clone_git() {
  git clone ${1}
find_files() {
  find . -type f | wc -l

clone_git "${git_url}"
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Declaring variables local to a function. Here the variable local is scoped under my_function.

my_function() {
  local var1="Hello"
  echo "${var1}"

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Command Line Arguments

Image description
Pass the argument which needs to add dynamically and it keeps changing

git clone "${1}"
find . -type f | wc -l
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Sometimes remembering these cmdline args bit hard.
so use the "shift" keyword then each time used the next usage will be the next argument serially it act as $1

echo "First arg: $1"
echo "Second arg: $1"
echo "Third arg: $1"
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./ arg1 arg2 arg3


First arg: arg1
Second arg: arg2
Third arg: arg3

Each Process running on the terminal will associated to the tty session PID. If you want to keep the programme running even after closing the terminal run by "nohup ./ &".
Each Tab in terminal creates its own session with the tty PID as root PID.

Killing processes by PID:

Image description

To check the systemcall made by the process by PID

strace -Tfp 99838
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T - Timing info
f - Child Process
p - Parent Shells PID

Built-in Commands

Built-in commands dont generate the PID

Image description

Some Exercise Questions:

Looping 1 to 99 odd numbers

for((i=1;i<100;i+=2)); do
  echo $i
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Reading one line of string

read name;
echo "Welcome ${name}";
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Arithematic operations

read x
read y
if [[ $x -ge -100 && $x -le 100 && $y -ge -100 && $y -le 100 ]]; then
    echo "$((x+y))"
    echo "$((x-y))"
    echo "$((x*y))"
    if [[ $y -ne 0 ]]; then
        echo "$((x/y))"
        echo "Not possible"
    echo "No correct"
    exit 1
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Comparing Two numbers

read x
read y
if [[ $x -gt $y ]]; then
    echo "X is greater than Y"
if [[ $x -lt $y ]]; then
    echo "X is less than Y"
if [[ $x -eq y ]]; then
    echo "X is equal to Y"
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Comparing characters

read ch

if [[ $ch == "y" || $ch == "Y" ]]; then
    echo "YES";

if [[ $ch == "N" || $ch == "n" ]]; then
    echo "NO";
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read ch

case $ch in
    [yY])  echo “YES” ;;
    [nN])  echo “NO” ;;
    *)   echo “No input” ;;
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Evaluating arithmetic expression with floating point 3 decimal places

read expression
result=$(echo "scale=4; $expression" | bc -l)
#for getting 4 decimal places scale is used
result=$(printf "%.3f" $result) # for 3 decimal places rounded
echo $result
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Avg of column values in a file


# Compute the average using awk
avg=$(awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/NR}' log.txt)

echo "Average: $avg"
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# Initialize sum and count

# Read each line in the file
while read -r number; do
    sum=$((sum + number)) # Add the current number to sum
    count=$((count + 1)) # Increment the count
done < log.txt

# Calculate the average
if [ $count -gt 0 ]; then
    avg=$((sum / count))
    echo "Average: $avg"
    echo "No numbers in the file"
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AVG N numbers

read n
for((i=0;i<$n;i++)) do
    read num
    result=$(echo " $result + $num "|bc)
r=$(echo "$result / $n" | bc -l)
printf "%0.3f" "$r"
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Print 3rd char of each line

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -c3
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Print 2nd position till 7th position of each line

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -c 2-7
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Print 2nd position and 7th position of each line of input

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -c 2,7
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Print first 4 characters of each line of string

while read line; do
echo "${line}" | cut -c 0-4
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Print characters from 13th position to till the end

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -c 13-
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Print 4th word of each line

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -d ' ' -f 4
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Print first 3 words in each line

while read line; do
    echo "${line}" | cut -d ' ' -f -3
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Print words with tab delimeter from 2nd word to till end of sentence


while read line; do
    # Extract everything from the second field onward, assuming tab as the delimiter
    echo "$line" | cut -d $'\t' -f 2-
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Print first 20 lines of text file


head -20 $1
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Print first 20 character of text file


head -c 20 $1
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Print from 12 to 22 lines in text file


head -n 22 $1 | tail -n 11
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Print last 20 lines in text fille

tail -n 20 $1
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Print last 20 character of text file

tail -c 20 $1
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Replace () with [] in a text file

cat $1 | tr '()' '[]'
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Remove lower case characters from the line

tr -d 'a-z'
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replace multiple consecutive spaces with single space

while read input; do 
    echo $input | tr -s " "  # s is squeeze
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Sort in lexicographical/dictionary order of text file

cat $1 | sort -d
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Sort in reverse lexicographical/dictionary order of text file

cat $1 | sort -r
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Sort numeric,float numbers in a file

cat $1 | sort -n
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Sort numeric,float numbers in a file


cat $1 | sort -nr
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Sort tab seperated file having tabluar data descending, by column2(k2)

sort -rnk2 -t $'\t'
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Sort tab seperated file having tabluar data descending, by column2(key =2nd column) monthly temp avgs.

sort -t$"|" -rnk2
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Remove Consecutive repetitions in a file

uniq $1
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Consecutive duplicates with count,element removing leading spaces


uniq -c | sed 's/^[[:space:]]*//'

Consecutive duplicates with count,element removing leading spaces, ignore case


uniq -ci | cut -c7-

Print only uniq line


uniq -u

Replace new lines with tab

tr "\n" "\t"


paste -s

repeat the file 3 times

paste - - -



Your task is to identify the performance grade for each student. If the average of the three scores is 80 or more, the grade is 'A'. If the average is 60 or above, but less than 80, the grade is 'B'. If the average is 50 or above, but less than 60, the grade is 'C'. Otherwise the grade is 'FAIL'.

cat marks.txt
awk '{
if (($2+$3+$4)/3 >= 80)
print $0,":","A";
else if (($2+$3+$4)/3 >= 60 && ($2+$3+$4)/3 < 80)
print $0,":","B";
else if (($2+$3+$4)/3 >= 50 && ($2+$3+$4)/3 < 60)
print $0,":","C"; 
print $0,":","FAIL";
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Concatenate every 2 lines of input with a semi-colon.

awk 'ORS=NR%2?";":"\n"' 
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ORS is output record seperator we are choosing based on condition.

NR is count of rows

awk{ print $1.$2 }’ test.log
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it will concatenate the column 1 and 2

mimicing grep with awk

awk{/test/ print $1 }’ test.log
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it will print only lines with test matching in column 1

atleast one lower case letter matching in each line

awk ‘/[a-z]/  { print }’ test.log
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Every line starts with a number

awk ‘/^[0-9]/ { print }’ test.log
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Every line ends with a number

awk ‘/[0-9]$/ { print }’ test.log
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Print line that contain 123 in column 1

  if ($1 ~ /123/)
}’ test.log
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print line contains number in column 1

  if ($1 ~ /[0-9]/)
}’ test.log
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Check if all the three columns in each row are not empty atleast

awk '{
if( $2 =="" || $3 =="" || $4 =="" )
print "Not all scores are available for",$1
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Students pass/fail check

awk '{
    avg = ($2 + $3 + $4)/3
    if ( avg >=50 )
        print $1,":","Pass"
        print $1,":","Fail"
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Find the lines which contianer only these words no case sensitive

egrep -wi "the|that|then|those" 
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credit cards digits are groups of 4 with 4 digits each group.

We need to print those numbers having consecutive digits same more than one time either seperated by space or without space. ( is used to make Basic regular expression to capture the group [0-9] and \s* is for spaces and \1 for back reference group ([0-9])

grep '\([0-9]\)\s*\1'
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Print the lines that doesnt contain the “that” word case-insensitive

grep -iv "that"
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Print the lines that does contain the “the” word case-insensitive

grep -wi "the"
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grep -n “maths”  dump.log
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it give the matched lines with line number.

grep  -n “maths”$ dump.log
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it give the matched lines in end of line with “maths” with line number.

grep  -n  ^“maths” dump.log
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it give the matched lines in start of line with “maths” with line number.

$ !! -c 
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this will give the last ran command and its output

grep -n “maths”  dump.log -c 
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this will print the output that how many times the “maths” exists with count.

grep  -n “ma..” dump.log
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match expression is ma

grep -n ^”[ab]” dump.log
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match expression is words that match start with either a or b.

For aa, ab, bb, ba - ^”[ab][ab]”
atleast one number – “[0-9]”
digit followed by letter any case - “[0-9][a-zA-Z]”

case-insensitive replace thy with your globally

sed 's/\bthy\b/your/Ig'
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Highlight the thy within {}

sed -e 's/thy/{&}/Ig'
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mask first three groups of credit card numbers

awk '{
    print "**** **** ****",$4
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using regex

sed 's/\([0-9]\{12\}\)[0-9]\{4\}/\1****/g'
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reorders the credit card numbers of 4 groups of 4 digits each.

sed -E 's/([0-9]{4})([0-9]{4})([0-9]{4})([0-9]{4})/\4 \3 \2 \1/g'
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1. ([0-9]{4} ): This matches a block of 4 digits followed by a space.
    ◦ ([0-9]{4}) captures 4 digits, and the space after it is also captured.
    ◦ The whole expression will match four groups of 4 digits with spaces.
2. \4 \3 \2 \1: This specifies the order of the captured groups in the replacement part:
    ◦ \4: Refers to the fourth captured group (the last 4 digits).
    ◦ \3: Refers to the third captured group (the third 4 digits).
    ◦ \2: Refers to the second captured group (the second 4 digits).
    ◦ \1: Refers to the first captured group (the first 4 digits).
   This changes the order of the groups, swapping them as required.
3. g: The g at the end ensures that the substitution is applied globally to all occurrences in the line.
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Reading country names line by line and inserting into an array. Printing 3rd index element

while read line; do
echo "${countries[3]}"
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Print count of elements in the input

while read line; do
echo "${#countries[@]}"
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Print the elements replacing the first capital letter with “.”

while read line; do
    if [[ $line =~ ^[A-Z] ]]; then
echo "${countries[@]}"
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Print the number that occurs only once in a duplicate elements array.


# Read the number of integers
read n

# Read the array of integers
read -a arr

# Initialize a variable to hold the result

# XOR all the numbers
for num in "${arr[@]}"; do
    result=$((result ^ num))

# Output the number that occurs only once
echo $result
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Array :

Reference Doc

delete first 100 lines in a file:

sed -i '1,100d' filename
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start with Cap letter and followed by 2 letters:

egrep -o "\b[A-Z][a-z]{2}\b" /etc/nsswitch.conf > /home/bob/filtered1 
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5 digit number in a file:

egrep -o  '[0-9]{5}'  /home/bob/textfile > /home/bob/number
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Count the lines start with number 2:

egrep -c '^2' /home/bob/textfile
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Count the lines begin with “Section” in a file:

egrep -ic '^Section' /home/bob/testfile
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word “man” exact match lines:

egrep   "\bman\b" /home/bob/testfile > /home/bob/man_filtered
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extract last 500 lines in a file:

tail -500 /home/bob/textfile  > /home/bob/last
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Reference Doc

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