1.Log into your azure cli using
az login
2.Next we shall create an azure resource group for our web app resources.
3.Now to create an app service use
- --plan - to specify the azure web app plan name
- --to specify the resource group
- --is-linux - to specify os to run web app service on
4.To publish code first, we need to create a deployment user.
- user-name - username
- password - the password
5.Then we have to check the available runtimes depending on the language of the web app.
6.Now, lets try to ceate the web app using
- --plan - specify the name of app service plan
- --name - to specify the name of web app
- --resource-group - the resource group
- --deployment-container-image-name - to specify web server to run web app on.
- --deployment-local-git -enable use of git repository
- --runtime - to specify the runtime for the web app
this should return a url
Curently the web app url shows the default nginx because we have deployed the code yet.
7.We are now going to add this url as a remote to our github project.
8.Next we are going to push the code to the azure repository.
.Add the deployment user password.
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