I'm going to keep this one short as I've run out of ways to make this interesting. Posting this for completeness.
The Challenge Part 1
Link to challenge on Advent of Code 2020 website
The challenge talks about a weird seating index scheme that uses binary partitioning. However, fancy words aside, they are literally talking about using binary.
One of the examples given was:
BFFFBBFRRR: row 70, column 7, seat ID 567
ignoring the superfluous information about rows and columns (which don't appear anywhere in the challenge), we just need to know how to convert BFFFBBFRRR into the number 567.
The only solution, really.
Basically it's binary. if you replace all the B and R with 1, and the F and L with 0, then BFFFBBFRRR
turns into 1000110111
which is 567 in binary.
We can do the converting into binary using some simple replace()
functions, and then we can turn the ascii string into binary using python's existing int(value, 2)
function. The second argument being the base system.
So, quite simply:
int(entry.replace("B", "1").replace("F", "0").replace("R", "1").replace("L", "0"), 2)
Will give you the seat number from any given string. We can quickly scan the input data using this and list comprehension:
seats = [int(entry.replace("B", "1").replace("F", "0").replace("R", "1").replace("L", "0"), 2) for entry in open("input.txt").readlines()]
The first part of the question asks for the highest seat number in the list. We simply have to do max(seats)
to find out
print("highest seat", max(seats))
The Challenge Part 2
The second part of the question says that there is a missing seat somewhere in the middle, but to also ignore the missing seats at either end of the range. We can use set comprehension again for this:
print("my seat", set(range(min(seats), max(seats))).difference(seats))
Top comments (3)
Lol as expected that wasn't much of a challenge to u π. I had such a hard time π.
Part 1 Got it using reduce, switch, math.round etc. Then Simon told me to use binary.
For part 2 I used a convoluted divide and conquer logic π. Then Simon again suggested a simpler way with Set and find.
Btw, python set difference is such an awesome feature π.
You don't have to do everything Simon says you should...oh wait, maybe you do have to do everything Simon says...
Yep, if you don't use binary, you'd have to do a lot more parsing, but it's a valid solution! Don't worry if you're finding it challenging, hopefully as you figure things out, even if it takes a while, you're learning, and also having a look at other solutions once you've done yours should help to give you more ideas to use in the future if you encounter similar issues. Good luck with the other challenges!
Hate to say it, but I actually did have a different solution and I totally didn't think about binary :o