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Mii Health
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How Conversational AI in Healthcare is Shaping the Future of Senior Care

The opportunity for future developments of conversational AI in healthcare is vast, and there is certainly plenty more to come. With improvement and advancement in technology of the AI algorithms, complex tasks such as diagnostics of illnesses and or treatment prescription with even enhanced precision will be carried out. It can result in diseases being diagnosed at an even earlier stage and improved patients’ quality and quantity of life, along with narrower interventions that can increase general population’s health.

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Conversational AI is predicted to achieve most of its growth in the area of preventative care. This means that these tool s can look at other data such as the patient’s vital signs, and patterns of the disease to forecast any emerging risks before they become severe. For example a virtual health assistant could inform a client that he/she is at a higher risk of getting a certain disease depending on his/her lifestyle, medical history, biometrics data etc and direct the client to seek diagnosis. Such an approach would drastically decrease the rate of hospitalization and drastically cut healthcare expenses, Moreover, people’s living quality enhances.

Also, conversational AI has potential to increase accessibility of the health care services. To rewritten, For populations which have access to healthcare services either limited or are located, in areas that are remote or under-served, such as rural settings, their population can benefit greatly from treatment that is powered by artificial intelligence. That is why the patient’s Country of Origin does not limit their access to a virtual assistant or a telemedicine appointment with a doctor.

In addition, Gomathi and Gandhi claimed that conversational AI can also benefit the patients in the hospital or clinic. The use of AI in the development of chatbots could help guests with patient care directions, questions and answers most often asked and the detailed explanation of patient care instructions after discharge among others. It increases general patient satisfaction and comfort during all patient+ provider interactions and decreases anxiety and confusion.

Another very promising direction is the linking and setup of conversational AI to current electronic health records or EHR systems. Such methods mean that patient records can be updated within interactions with AI tools, which should benefit healthcare providers in knowledge of more accurate and updated data to make appropriate decisions. This coordination can also aid in the chance of overseeing care with various clinicians to make certain that all related factions possess the similar data.

In conclusion,

Conversational AI in healthcare is not an added luxury to make life easier; rather it is a way to deliver healthcare. Through increasing the reach, participation, productivity and relevance, conversational AI is pointing the path to a more connected and patient centric healthcare of tomorrow.

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