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Cover image for [Road to Job] #5 Done School. Now what?
Mithra Perera
Mithra Perera

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[Road to Job] #5 Done School. Now what?

Finally Done

I finally graduated! I'm not sure if I was more excited about that or the fact that I could finally spend all waking hours of the day doing something I loved.

Basically, in short, I fell in love with coding in my last year of EE and decided to drop all the hard work I put in to startup a EE career to pursue this passion.

So I let my boss know that I would not be returning to work after I graduated to pursue my passion. She wished me the best of luck. I finished up my final exams. Graduated and now here I am, jobless and learning more and studying more than I ever have before. I also built an app for a startup I worked on with a friend in a incubator program over the summer but more on that another day.

What I have been up to

Front End Web Dev
It's been a few months now since I have graduated and I have kept quite busy. I have been self teaching myself HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Building responsive websites and working towards learning React next.

AWS re/Start
Also, in my quest to find new things to learn, I stumbled across cloud engineering and I found it quite fascinating. So in following this curiosity, I found this cool program called AWS re/Start run in partnership with YES(Youth Employment Services). I applied and after some tests and interviews, I was in!
(I will start a series to discuss this further for those that are interested.)

Google's 30 Days of Cloud
Now another cool program I found was this 30 Days of Cloud that I found out about because I am still part of the discord server for the Google Student Developer Club of my university. It's pretty neat because they have 4 tracks and it runs 4 days a week for a month and you get to learn:

  1. Cloud Computing Fundamentals
  2. Infrastructure in Google Cloud
  3. Networking and Security in Google Cloud
  4. Data, ML and AI in Google Cloud

and the coolest is all for free!
(I will start a series to discuss this as well so stay tuned!)

FREE Flutter Apprentice Book
Yup, I am just raining down gems today. Another cool learning opportunity for you all. The Flutter team has partnered with Ray Wenderlich to offer this book for free until January 6th, 2022! I am already pretty decent with flutter but I figured it wouldn't hurt to read it in my spare time and watch the book club they have going on till Jan 6th.


AWS re/Start :
Google's 30 Days of Cloud :
FREE Flutter Apprentice Book :


Learning web dev and the cloud full time and hoping to secure my first job in this new industry early next year.

Until then, onwards and upwards we go! ๐Ÿš€

Top comments (10)

rammina profile image

Congratulations on graduating!

Have you heard of The Odin Project?
It's a pretty great open-source curriculum for self learning web development.

Are you looking for a full-time job or trying freelancing?

mithraperera profile image
Mithra Perera

Thank you and funny you mention that! I am actually learning web dev through TOP and loving it! I should have mentioned that lol...will edit that in.

My goal is to get a full time job early next year in Frontend, Cloud or DevOps.

rammina profile image

Good luck! I'm also looking into specializing in those areas.

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mithraperera profile image
Mithra Perera

Goodluck, we got this! Are you also doing TOP?

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rammina profile image

I already finished most of it. I still come back to solidify my weaknesses and fundamentals. I'm learning things outside TOP now, like Typescript, Next.js, GraphQL, Docker and so on.

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mithraperera profile image
Mithra Perera

Aside from building some projects, whats next for me after is
Check it out and goodluck mate!

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rammina profile image

yeah I've heard of it. Good luck!

gimple profile image

congrats on graduating, i'm sure that's a huge relief to have that done with...even more impressive that you did it on your own terms, i know a lot of people who wound up not pursuing their actual interest/passion and they pretty much have miserable lives now...even if it's rough for a little bit in adjusting, it's much better from my own personal experience and what i know of others who have gone thru similar situations, to try and change into a career related to that interest ASAP.

might wanna take a look into joining up on hackathons that are happening all of the time, currently, in web3 where i do some work. there are SO many projects that are very promising and since it is a very fast growing part of the industry, you stand a good likelihood of making connections with people which will prove beneficial longer-term as well. it's happened for me and others i know, the amount of jobs that are needed to be filled is insane, it reminds me of how the internet was growing during the run-up to the dot-com boom of the 90s.

mithraperera profile image
Mithra Perera

Thank you so much!! Means a lot reading that validation, I appreciate it cuz it has not been easy haha.

Wow!!! How have I not heard of web3 before....
From what I can tell from preliminary research, it seems I need to start by learning about blockchain I think...

How did you get into doing work in web3 and do you have any recommendations for a newbie like me to get into it?

Cheers and thanks for the commentโœŠ๐Ÿพ

richardwhite1 profile image
richardwhite1 • Edited

I also congratulate you on your graduation. I had a similar situation. The boss told me to choose either work or study. I chose to study because I wanted to finish university. As a result, I had problems at the university due to the fact that I could not close many subjects. For example literature where I had to pass essays on Lord Of The Flies, luckily I used the helpful site which helped me with this task. After university, I found an excellent job. In general, I want to say, you need to do what you think is necessary. Even if there are problems, they can be easily solved.