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Introduction to Kotlin (Part 3): classes, properties, objects, and interfaces

In part one of this series we talked about variables, types, and functions, and in part two we covered conditionals and looping. In part three we will now talk about classes in Kotlin.

Class basics

Declared with the class keyword. If the class has no body then curly braces can be omitted.

class Book {}
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A class can have one primary constructor and any number of secondary constructors. In Kotlin the primary constructor is declared directly in the class definition.

class Book(title: String)
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Notice that in Kotlin the default constructor doesn’t contain any initialization code. Initialization code is placed into init blocks. These blocks will be executed when the class is being initialized after instantiation. Any parameters specified in the primary constructor can be accessed within the initializer block or when declaring properties.

class Book(title: String, author: String) {
  private val title = title
  private val author: String
  init {
    println("Book initialized with title: $title and author: $author") = author
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Declaring properties and initializing them with a constructor is a very common pattern. So, Kotlin includes a shorter syntax allowing the properties and initializing them directly in the constructor.

class Book(val title: String, private val author: String = "Anonymous")
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These properties can be defined to be either val or var and can specify visibility modifiers such as private. Much like in functions, parameters can also have default values specified.

Creating an instance of a class is done by calling the constructor like it is a function. Kotlin has no special keywords used for instantiation.

val myBook = Book("Some Great Work", "A. Author")
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Secondary constructors are created using the constructor keyword. Secondary constructors can call the default (or other) constructor using the this keyword.

Multiple secondary constructors are allowed and may contain initialization logic.

class Book(val title: String, val author: String) {
    private var price: Double = 0.0
    constructor(title: String): this(title, "Unknown")
    constructor(title: String, author: String, price: Double): this(title, author) {
        this.price = price
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Properties in Kotlin are variables defined at the class level using the val or var keywords. By default properties are public, but other visibility modifiers (e.g. private or protected) can be specified.

For compatibility with Java and other JVM languages getter and setter functions are created automatically for each property. When needed a custom getter or setter can be provided.

class Person {
  var name: String
    get() =
    set(value) {
      // Do some logic = value
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Note in the previous example that we can either use the shorthand assignment syntax or a code block just like when defining functions.


All classes in Kotlin all automatically inherit from the Any class. This is similar to Object in Java. By default all Kotlin classes are final and cannot be extended. To make a class available for extension the open keyword must be used when declaring the class.

open class Vehicle(val color: String) {
    fun start() {
        // Some Implementation
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When we want to create a class that extends another we specify the new class name, a colon (:), and then the new class name. If the new class has a primary constructor then the constructor of the base class must be called.

class Car(color: String) : Vehicle(color) {

    fun drive() {
        // Some Implementation
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If the new class doesn’t have a primary constructor then each secondary constructor must call the parent constructor using the super keyword.

constructor(color: String) : super(color)
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To override functions or properties the parent class must specify these items as being open, just like with the class itself.

open class Vehicle {
    open val type: String = "Vehicle"
    open fun start() {
        // Some Implementation
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In the derived class the functions and properties must be marked with the override keyword.

class Car: Vehicle() {
    override val type: String = "Car"

    override fun start() {
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Kotlin also supports interfaces that work similarly to those in Java. Interfaces are defined using the interface keyword.

interface Loggable {
  fun loggerName(): String
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Classes can implement one or more interfaces.

class MyClass : Loggable, Serializable {
  override fun loggerName(): String {
    //Some Implementation

  // ...
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Interfaces can inherit from other interfaces using a similar syntax to classes.

interface Parent {
  fun x()

interface Child : Parent {
  fun y()
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Objects (Singleton)

Kotlin has built-in support for singleton classes using the object keyword.

object MySingleton {
  // Functions and properties...
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Objects can also be defined as companions to regular classes. This is done by declaring a companion object inside of the class.

class MyClass {
  companion object {
    fun foo() {
      // Some logic
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Methods and properties in the companion object are accessed using the name of the parent object. This looks similar to how static functions are called in Java, but the companion objects are real objects. The companion objects can implement interfaces, have properties, etc.
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Data Classes

There are many cases where objects are created just to hold data. In Java these classes would define some class-level variables as well as getters and setters. These types of classes require a lot of boilerplate code.

Kotlin provides a special type of class just for this purpose. Data classes are created with the data class keywords.

data class Person(val firstName: String, val lastName: String)
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The Kotlin compiler will automatically create a getter and setter for each property as well as the following functions:

  • equals()
  • hashCode()
  • toString()
  • copy()

What Next?

In this post I have tried to cover most of the important details of classes, properties, objects, interfaces, and data classes. There are still a lot more specific details that I simply don’t have the time and space to cover. Fortunately the Kotlin reference documentation is excellent and covers all the topics in great detail.

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