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mohamed Tayel
mohamed Tayel

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C# Advanced:Operator Overloading

C# allows you to redefine how operators work with custom types through operator overloading. This feature enables you to make operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), and comparisons (==, !=) behave in intuitive ways for objects, not just numbers. Let’s explore how operator overloading works with an example from .NET and cover important points to consider when implementing it in your own projects.

Example 1: Subtracting Dates

The DateTime struct in .NET provides a useful real-world application of operator overloading. Suppose you want to calculate the number of days between two dates. Subtracting one DateTime from another returns a TimeSpan, which represents the time difference between the two.

Here’s an example:

DateTime date1 = new DateTime(2023, 1, 1);
DateTime date2 = new DateTime(2024, 1, 1);

// Subtracting two DateTime objects
TimeSpan difference = date2 - date1;

Console.WriteLine($"Days between: {difference.Days}"); // Output: Days between: 365
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In this case, subtracting two DateTime objects doesn’t return another DateTime—it returns a TimeSpan, which represents the difference in days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This behavior is possible thanks to operator overloading.

Overloading Operators in Your Own Classes

Let’s say you have a custom class Order with a Quantity property, and you want to add two Order objects together by combining their quantities. Here’s how to overload the + operator to do this:

Example 2: Adding Orders

public class Order
    public int Quantity { get; set; }

    // Overloading the + operator to add two Order objects
    public static Order operator +(Order order1, Order order2)
        return new Order { Quantity = order1.Quantity + order2.Quantity };

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Order order1 = new Order { Quantity = 5 };
        Order order2 = new Order { Quantity = 10 };

        // Adding two orders using the overloaded + operator
        Order combinedOrder = order1 + order2;

        Console.WriteLine($"Combined Quantity: {combinedOrder.Quantity}"); // Output: Combined Quantity: 15
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In this example, we overloaded the + operator for the Order class. This lets you add two Order objects, combining their Quantity properties. Without this overload, the + operator wouldn’t know how to handle Order objects.

Overloading Comparison Operators

Operator overloading is not limited to mathematical operations—you can also overload comparison operators like == and !=. Let’s modify the Order class to compare two orders based on their quantity:

Example 3: Comparing Orders

public class Order
    public int Quantity { get; set; }

    // Overloading the == operator to compare two orders by Quantity
    public static bool operator ==(Order order1, Order order2)
        return order1.Quantity == order2.Quantity;

    // Overloading the != operator (required when overloading ==)
    public static bool operator !=(Order order1, Order order2)
        return order1.Quantity != order2.Quantity;

    // Override Equals and GetHashCode (required for == and != overloads)
    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (obj is Order otherOrder)
            return this.Quantity == otherOrder.Quantity;
        return false;

    public override int GetHashCode()
        return Quantity.GetHashCode();

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Order order1 = new Order { Quantity = 5 };
        Order order2 = new Order { Quantity = 5 };

        // Comparing two orders using the overloaded == operator
        if (order1 == order2)
            Console.WriteLine("The two orders have the same quantity."); // Output: The two orders have the same quantity.
            Console.WriteLine("The two orders have different quantities.");
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Here, the == and != operators are overloaded to compare two Order objects based on their Quantity values.

Explanation: Overriding GetHashCode()

When you override the == operator, you must also override the Equals() method and the GetHashCode() method. This ensures that two objects considered equal have the same hash code.

In C#, the GetHashCode() method returns an integer value that represents the object. It’s used by hash-based collections like Dictionary or HashSet to quickly compare objects. When two objects are considered equal by Equals(), they should also have the same hash code.

public override int GetHashCode()
    return Quantity.GetHashCode();  // Use Quantity's built-in hash code
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In this case, we return the hash code of the Quantity property, because two orders are considered equal if their Quantity values are equal. This ensures that Order objects with the same Quantity will behave correctly in hash-based collections like HashSet or Dictionary.

Conversion Operators

C# also allows you to overload conversion operators to convert one type to another. Let’s say you want to convert an Order object into a decimal representing its total price.

Example 4: Implicit Conversion from Order to Decimal

public class Order
    public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }

    // Implicit conversion from Order to decimal
    public static implicit operator decimal(Order order)
        return order.TotalAmount;

public class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        Order order = new Order { TotalAmount = 100.50m };

        // Implicitly converting Order to decimal
        decimal total = order;

        Console.WriteLine($"Total Amount: {total}"); // Output: Total Amount: 100.50
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In this example, the implicit conversion automatically converts an Order object to a decimal when needed, simplifying the code.

When to Use Operator Overloading

Operator overloading can make your code cleaner and more intuitive, but it can also introduce complexity if overused. Use it when it feels natural (e.g., adding two orders or subtracting dates), but avoid it if a regular method would be clearer.

Guidelines for Operator Overloading:

  • Use operator overloading when it simplifies the logic and makes the code more readable.
  • Always overload both the == and != operators together.
  • Make sure to override both Equals() and GetHashCode() when overloading comparison operators to ensure consistency.
  • Use conversion operators carefully, ensuring they make sense for your class and the conversion type.

Easy Assignment

Task: Overload the + operator to add two Rectangle objects together, combining their Width and Height.

  • Create a Rectangle class with Width and Height properties.
  • Overload the + operator so that adding two Rectangle objects results in a new Rectangle with combined width and height.

Example Output:

Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle { Width = 5, Height = 10 };
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle { Width = 3, Height = 6 };

Rectangle combined = rect1 + rect2;

Console.WriteLine($"Combined Width: {combined.Width}, Combined Height: {combined.Height}"); 
// Output: Combined Width: 8, Combined Height: 16
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Medium Assignment

Task: Overload the == and != operators to compare two Rectangle objects based on their area (Width * Height).

  • Create a Rectangle class with Width and Height properties.
  • Overload the == and != operators to compare two Rectangle objects by their areas.
  • Override Equals() and GetHashCode().

Example Output:

Rectangle rect1 = new Rectangle { Width = 5, Height = 10 };  // Area = 50
Rectangle rect2 = new Rectangle { Width = 10, Height = 5 };  // Area = 50
Rectangle rect3 = new Rectangle { Width = 3, Height = 7 };   // Area = 21

if (rect1 == rect2)
    Console.WriteLine("rect1 and rect2 have the same area."); 
    // Output: rect1 and rect2 have the same area.

if (rect1 != rect3)
    Console.WriteLine("rect1 and rect3 have different areas.");
    // Output: rect1 and rect3 have different areas.
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Difficult Assignment

Task: Implement explicit conversion between a Rectangle and a Circle based on their areas. Also, overload the > and < operators to compare their areas.

  • Create a Rectangle class with Width and Height properties.
  • Create a Circle class with a Radius property.
  • Implement explicit conversion from Rectangle to Circle based on the area (Area of rectangle = Area of circle).
  • Overload the > and < operators to compare the areas of Rectangle and Circle.


  • Area of a rectangle = Width * Height
  • Area of a circle = π * Radius^2 (you can use Math.PI and Math.Sqrt() for calculations).

Example Output:

Rectangle rect = new Rectangle { Width = 4, Height = 5 }; // Area = 20
Circle circle = (Circle)rect;  // Convert rectangle to a circle with the same area

Console.WriteLine($"Radius of the circle: {circle.Radius}");

// Compare areas using overloaded operators
if (rect > circle)
    Console.WriteLine("Rectangle has a larger area than the circle.");
    Console.WriteLine("Circle has a larger area than the rectangle.");
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Operator overloading is a powerful feature in C# that can make operations on custom objects feel natural and intuitive. However, it’s important to use it wisely to avoid making your code harder to maintain. For basic arithmetic or comparisons (like adding orders or comparing quantities), operator overloading can simplify your code. In more complex cases, regular methods might be a better choice.

By understanding the principles of operator overloading and using it in appropriate situations, you can create cleaner, more intuitive, and maintainable code.

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