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The Real Reason You Can't Find Dislike Counts on Social Media

YouTube,LinkedIn and other mainstream social networking platforms that are known for suppression of freedom of speech either do not include a dislike button or do not display the dislikes' count.

YouTube provided a weak argument on why they removed the dislike count saying that certain creators were being targeted with dislikes. However, many people across the web found this to be unconvincing and poor argument since we know that YouTube hates creators and is ready to ban/demonetize the creators for the silliest and most ridiculous reasons given YouTube is a wealthy corporation with a revenue of 28.84 billion US dollars. (Source: However, what no body mentioned is the fact that this is nothing more than another psychological trick to make controversial topics including hate speeches seem acceptable to the public. Imagine if there was a dislike count while someone was trying to convince you that racism and violence are Ok.

The majority of people who don't pay attention to details are more likely to be deluded that the contents of a video or a post are Ok and acceptable if it has 100s of likes but no one pays attention to whether or not the message of the video are morally acceptable or something that goes against all human ethical moral values. Here, we are not arguing about LBGT or feminism but rather, we are arguing about very fundamental human right violations where certain political parties promote hatred against innocent people on those platforms with pure impunity. Most of those politicians have a leverage of maybe owning a huge amount of stocks in that platform or have an influence on the rules that could make or break the corporation; I'm not talking about Elon Musk since Elon Musk proved to be in favor of freedom of speech at certain occasions.

You, as a human being with a mind and soul should not accept being treated as a puppet; you should not accept being programmed against your own freewill.

We may not be able to defeat the multi billion corporations, but we are able to change the battlefield by simply not using their platforms, not signing up and not investing/uploading videos on their platforms.

It is ok to watch a video or a post if it's something educational posted by someone with good intentions; but we need to let go of those platforms and consider as if they don't exist. There are plenty of alternatives that have more respect for us as human beings than those platforms:
The best YouTube alternatives: (Source:

1. Vimeo
2. DTube
3. Internet Archives Video Section
4. Metacafe
5. 9GAG TV
6. Dailymotion
7. Vevo
8. Twitch
9. TED
10. Crackle
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Top comments (9)

bradtaniguchi profile image

"The real reason you can't find the dislike count on social media..." ->

"[its a] psychological trick to make controversial topics including hate speeches seem acceptable to the public." ->

"Most of those politicians have a leverage of maybe owning a huge amount of stocks in that platform or have an influence on the rules that could make or break the corporation (not Elon Musk though!)" ->

"a human being with a mind and soul should not accept being treated as a puppet; you should not accept being programmed against your own freewill" ->

"We may not be able to defeat the multi billion corporations, but we are able to change the battlefield by simply not using their platforms"

So the real reason there isn't a dislike button is because politicians want hate speech and are leveraging their huge amounts of stock to influence these platforms to manipulate us against our own freewill, and we need to fight against this by not using their platforms?

I thought it was just to combat negativity bias and keep you engaged longer to make more money 🤷

mosbat profile image

Essentially it's all about money. Weapons industry and big pharma.

bradtaniguchi profile image

For companies and most working people, yes its about money.

jayjeckel profile image
Jay Jeckel

Don't forget Bitchute. It's a better youtube alternative than Vimeo, seeing as Vimeo isn't free like youtube is. Oh, and if one is going to continue using youtube, then definitely install the Return Youtube Dislike extension so you can stick it to youtube and bad video makers by continuing to view and use the downvote button.

abhinav1217 profile image
Abhinav Kulshreshtha

Thankfully Return Youtube Dislike Extension has improved my situation a little bit.

Eversince youtube disabled dislike counter, I have been seeing more spammy content than ever. Its like youtube itself is creating random channels with random names and showing it to me. I have disabled auto play in youtube in firefox, so even if I click a wrong video, it doesn't automatically start and I have time to check the dislike ratio.

I know its not going to be as accurate as youtube itself because it is a community project, its accuracy is dependent on number of users using the extension. It is at least something.

BTW did you know that there is a limit on how many times you can click on "Don't recommend this channel to me" and "Not Interested" options available via the 3 dot menu on videos. These days, it is removing that option after around 7-8 times using them daily. I bought 1 set of planters from amazon, and one pack of fertilizer and now my youtube feed has atleast 3-4 videos on home gardens.

reliek21 profile image
Keiler Guardo Herrera

Thank you for the suggestion of the Return Youtube Dislike Extension. 🤩

moopet profile image
Ben Sinclair • Edited


mainstream social networking platforms that are known for suppression of freedom of speech


nothing more than another psychological trick to make controversial topics including hate speeches seem acceptable

Which do you mean? Disregarding the confusion around the term "free speech", which has several different meanings depending on context, either these platforms you mention are stopping people from saying something, or they're making it more difficult to stop people from saying something.

The world's big and complex, so I'm not going to claim both can't be true at the same time, but which one do you think is happening?

reliek21 profile image
Keiler Guardo Herrera

I hate the fact that YouTube doesn't have the dislike button, for me the dislike button was the indication of whether a video could waste my time or not, but the alternatives to YouTube are not the best and sometimes they don't have variety of content that you can find on YouTube.

mosbat profile image

The actual reason you can't see on mainstream media the amount of dislikes certain content receive is to normalize the abnormal. Usually involving ethical and moral things that they want you to believe are Ok to break. They are removing all comments that do not approve the content. Therefore, there is no way for the simple person to know what is right or wrong if they are not self guided by their own spiritual power.