
Cover image for This week in Flutter #41
Michele Volpato
Michele Volpato

Posted on • Originally published at

This week in Flutter #41

More on the biggest Flutter conference and a new Flutter State Management course.

This week I watched the second day of Flutter Vikings.
My favorite talk is Full Stack Dart byChris Swan. There is a lot
of information and many articles about Flutter online, but there is less content about Dart. Especially
server-side Dart, so this talk was a nice change of pace.

If you plan on using Flutter in the future, an article you should read isFlutter in 2022: strategy and roadmapby Flutter product manager Tim Sneath. You’ll find a link to the
Flutter 2022 strategy document.

This week there is also an update on Vandad Nahavandipoor’s video series on Flutter:
there is a new playlist about Flutter State Management. Thank you Vandad for sharing these videos for free.

Have you watched both the Flutter Vikings sessions? Which talks were your favorite?

- Michele Volpato

Development πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»

πŸ”— Create a real-time chat with pure Flutter and Dart)

Felix Blaschke created the shelf_plus package to improve
your server-side Dart life. It has quite a lot of extra features, you should go have a look if you
have a Dart server-side project. He talks about it in this article.

πŸ”— Flutter Testingβ€” Understand Unit, Widget, and Integration Testing

Testing is important to ensure the quality of your code. In this article, Aditya Rohmanexplains what type of tests you can perform in your Flutter app.

πŸ”— Drawing and rotating arcs in Flutter

Bart van Wezel takes a break from his Cat and Mice game to teach you
about arcs and how to rotate them. He does not use any package, which is way cooler if you ask me.

πŸ”— Flutter: How to dramatically decrease reads from Firestore using Local Storage

This is the kind of article I wanted to read for a long time. In my team, we use Firestore in more than one
project, and some of them are starting to push our billing amount at the end of the month. In this article,Tarun Thummala explains how they usedDrift to cache chat messages in their app.

πŸ”— Flutter App Architecture: The Domain Model

To avoid writing all your code in one class, you can separate your code into layers.Andrea Bizzotto uses Domain-Driven Design and explains to you
what the domain layer is and how to implement models, and test them, in Dart.

πŸ”— Dart: How to Handle Exceptions Raised Inside Isolates

This is a cool article. If you use isolates in Dart you might miss exceptions raised inside them.
You can use Completer to prevent that, as explained by Dmytro Gladkyi.

Others πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

πŸ”— Review of MacBook Pro M1 Max 64Go from a Flutter Developer

My late 2016 Macbook pro is starting to feel dated. For this reason, I am in the market for a new machine.
One option is a Linux-based desktop. Another option is a new Mac. All reviews I can find online discuss how good
it is for content creators, not so many of them are about programming with it.Guillaume Bernos shows some Flutter-related simple benchmarks.

In the article Go stands for Gigaoctets, the French for Gigabytes.

πŸ”— ALL THE DASH MERCH: Building the DashShop | Learning to Fly 🎦

This is an interesting episode of Learning to Fly. Khanh Nguyen is working
on the DashShop app, where you can buy Dash merchandise. With some help from Andrew Fitz Gibbon.

That’s it for this week.

Have a bug-free week,

- Michele Volpato

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