DEV Community

Nazanin Ashrafi
Nazanin Ashrafi

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The story of how I got into web dev...

Hey everyone, my name is Nazanin but my online friends call me Zani lol
I saw people sharing their stories and how they got into coding so i thought I'd do the same
Here we go :

Coding was never my passion, hell i didn't even know what it is. I never knew what I liked or what I wanna do, The only thing I knew was that I wanna be a barista but couldn't make that happen (still can't btw), Other than that I didn't know anything.
I've always had a habit of dropping things off and never finished what I'd started.
I tried fashion design but dropped it.
I tried drawing but dropped it.
I even dropped coding the first time I tried it lol

So after quite sometimes I started coding again for the second time and only because I was so bored and was like let's try coding one more time.

The first week of learning was just for fun BUT somehow things changed after that. Suddenly I was so into this and kept googling.the more time passed the more I took it seriously.
It took me a while to decide which direction to go. I couldn't choose between web dev and app but somehow I ended up choosing web dev.
As I said I started it just for fun but now I'm really talking it seriously and wanna build a career in this field.

Getting into web dev really has changed me in every way.
I literally went from " being a lazy person who has no goals" to having so many goals and trying so hard to achieve them ^^

A big shout out to mimo app for teaching me the basic in the best way possible, and to my amazing supportive friend, Discors and to Dain Miller's awesome podcast for being a huge help.

Okay that's it. Thank you all for reading my journey ^^

Top comments (6)

erobin profile image

That's great when we got something to master it, I am also a beginner and my story is similar how I choose web development .I just took a help from your code of adding opacity to background image. And now I joined this community ,thanks for the code.

margo_hdb profile image
Margo McCabe

Awesome, you found your true passion! Thanks for sharing.

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

Thank you for reading ^^

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

Thank you uwu

bento profile image

Good luck in your journey, and keep having fun !

nazanin_ashrafi profile image
Nazanin Ashrafi

Thank you ^_^