
Neeraj Sharma
Neeraj Sharma

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Part 2: Defining the Authentication gRPC Interface


In the previous part, we set up our project structure. Now we'll define our gRPC service interface using Protocol Buffers. This interface will serve as the contract between our client and server.

Table of Contents

Defining the Protobuf Scheme

In the previous part, we set up our project structure. Now we'll define our gRPC service interface using Protocol Buffers. This interface will serve as the contract between our client and server.

Service Definition

First, let's create our main.proto file. This file will contain all our service and message definitions.

Location: proto_stub/proto/authy/protobuf/main.proto

syntax = "proto3";
package authy.protobuf;

import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

service AuthService {
    rpc CreateOtpChallenge(CreateOtpChallengeRequest) returns (CreateOtpChallengeResponse);
    rpc ConfirmOtp(ConfirmOtpRequest) returns (ConfirmOtpResponse);

    rpc SignUp(SignUpRequest) returns (SignUpResponse);
    rpc SignIn(SignInRequest) returns (SignInResponse);
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The main.proto file defines the AuthService service with the following methods:

  • CreateOtpChallenge: This method creates an OTP challenge for the user to verify their email address. The method takes a CreateOtpChallengeRequest message as input and returns a CreateOtpChallengeResponse message as output.
  • ConfirmOtp: This method confirms the OTP challenge for the user to verify their email address. The method takes a ConfirmOtpRequest message as input and returns a ConfirmOtpResponse message as output.
  • SignUp: This method registers a new user account. The method takes a SignUpRequest message as input and returns a SignUpResponse message as output.
  • SignIn: This method signs in a user account. The method takes a SignInRequest message as input and returns a SignInResponse message as output.

OTP Challenge Messages

Now let's define the CreateOtpChallengeRequest and CreateOtpChallengeResponse message types.

message CreateOtpChallengeRequest {
    string email = 1;
    ActionPurpose action_purpose = 2;

    enum ActionPurpose {
        SIGN_UP = 0;
        SIGN_IN = 1; // sign in via otp
        RESET_PASSWORD = 2;

message CreateOtpChallengeResponse {
    string challenge_token = 1;
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The CreateOtpChallengeRequest message type defines the fields for creating an OTP challenge. The message contains the following fields:

  • email: The user's email address.
  • action_purpose: The purpose of the action that requres the two factor auth via otp, such as signing up, signing in, or resetting the password. The ActionPurpose enum defines the possible values for the action purpose.

The CreateOtpChallengeResponse message type defines the fields for the OTP challenge response. The message contains the challenge token that the user will use to verify their email address.

OTP Confirmation Messages

Now let's define the ConfirmOtpRequest and ConfirmOtpResponse message types.

message ConfirmOtpRequest {
    string challenge_token = 1;
    string otp_code = 2;

message ConfirmOtpResponse {
    bool success = 1;
    string message = 2;
    optional string action_token = 3;
    Error error = 4;

    enum Error  {
        INVALID_OTP = 0;
        EXPIRED_OTP = 1;
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The ConfirmOtpRequest message type defines the fields for confirming the OTP challenge. The message accepts the challenge token and the OTP code that the user submits to verify their email address.

The ConfirmOtpResponse message type defines the fields for the ConfirmOtp response. The message contains the success status, message, action token, and error type. The Error enum defines the possible error types for the OTP verification process. The error types include INVALID_OTP, EXPIRED_OTP, and MAX_ATTEMPTS_REACHED.

Sign Up Messages

Now let's define the SignUpRequest and SignUpResponse message types.

message SignUpRequest {
    string email = 1;
    string username = 2;
    string password = 3;
    string fullname = 4;
    string gender = 5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp birthdate = 6;
    string action_token = 7;

message SignUpResponse {
    bool success = 1;
    string message = 2;
    optional string session_token = 3;
    Error error = 4;
    User user = 5;

    enum Error {
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The SignUpRequest message type defines the fields for registering a new user account. The message contains the fields for user's username and password, and basic information of the user and a action token which is required for the user to perform the signup action.

The SignUpResponse message type defines the fields for the SignUp response. The message contains the success status, message, session_token, user message type that describe the current signin user. and error type. The Error enum defines the possible error types for the SignUp process. The error types include INVALID_ACTION_TOKEN, EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS, and USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS. session token is optional and might be none in case of error.

Sign In Messages

Now let's define the SignInRequest and SignInResponse message types.

message SignInRequest {
    oneof signInBy { 
        string email = 1;
        string username = 2;
        string action_token = 4;
    optional string password = 3;

message SignInResponse {
    bool success = 1;
    string sessin_token = 2;
    string message = 3;
    optional User user = 4;
    Error error = 5;

    enum Error {
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The SignInRequest message type defines the fields for signing in a user account. User can sign in using email or username or via otp so we have defined oneof field for the same. oneof field is used to define a field that can have only one value from a set of fields.

Next we have password field which is required for the user to sign in with email or username. This field is optional and might be none in case of sign in via otp.

The SignInResponse message type defines the fields for the SignIn response. The message contains the success status, message, session_token, user message type that describe the current signin user. and error type. The Error enum defines the possible error types for the SignIn process. The error types include INVALID_CREDENTIALS, INVALID_ACTION_TOKEN.

User Message Type

Also, defines the User message type that contains the user information. This message type will be used to return the user information in the SignUp and SignIn responses with session token.
Note that we are using the google.protobuf.Timestamp type for the birthdate and created_at fields. So don't forget to import the timestamp.proto file at the top of the main.proto file.

message User {
    string username = 1;
    string email = 2;
    string fullname = 3;
    string gender = 4;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp birthdate = 5;
    google.protobuf.Timestamp created_at = 6;
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So far, we have defined the proto file for the authentication service with the service methods and message types. In the next part, we will write the script to generate the Rust code from the proto file using the tonic-build crate.

See you in the next part. Happy coding! 🚀

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