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Cover image for Nuru
Thabiso Ngwenya
Thabiso Ngwenya

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The sole purpose of creating this web app was to build a playground for all types of artists. Making it easy for them to showcase their work and foster meaningful connections with fellow artists. As both Thembi Makamu and I are strong in front-end development, we decided to share responsibilities equally. I focused on the login page, including the database for storing user login information, the notifications page and its functionality, and the messages page.

Why I chose this project:

This project resonates with me deeply because I understand the challenges of finding consistent work and making a living as an artist. Especially in a country like ours, where government support for artists is limited.

I've witnessed firsthand the struggles artists face. I've experienced financial hardship, relying on friends for accommodation, and seen others endure even greater challenges while pursuing their passions.

Building a reputation as an artist requires countless open mics and unpaid gigs. Even then, certain art forms are valued more than others. Ultimately, networking is the key to sustained success as an artist.

While performing unpaid gigs, artists network with peers and build a fan base. This groundwork is essential for future paid opportunities, such as collaborations, referrals, or corporate gigs.

Nuru aims to supercharge this networking process. It simplifies recommendations, allowing people to easily endorse artists they admire. The platform facilitates connections between artists, fans, and potential clients.

My enrollment in ALX is a testament to the difficulties of sustaining a career in the arts. I believe many young people with artistic talent struggle to find meaningful opportunities in a country with high unemployment rates.

Art is a cornerstone of culture and entertainment, yet artists often face financial hardship. Nuru aims to contribute to a better ecosystem for both art and artists.
Technical Challenges

After deciding to use a database for storing user login information, I opted for Firebase due to my unfamiliarity with the platform. Integrating the database with my JavaScript code proved challenging. Initially, I included the code within the HTML file, but this resulted in browser interpretation errors.

To address this, I extracted the JavaScript code into a separate file. However, the issue persisted, leaving me uncertain about the next steps. Determined to find a solution, I turned to YouTube for tutorials and guidance on Firebase integration.

The helpful videos I found provided valuable insights into Firebase integration, enabling me to overcome the initial hurdles. While there were still challenges, the tutorials were instrumental in successfully incorporating the database into my JavaScript code.

Technical Takeaways

Database Integration: Gained in-depth experience in database integration, improving my knowledge of data management and storage systems.

using Firebase: I learned to integrate a real-time database from firebase and as such have picked an additional skill

Areas for Improvement

Early Testing: Implement comprehensive testing early in the development process.
Documentation: Maintain up-to-date documentation throughout the development cycle.
Code Reviews: Incorporate regular code reviews to ensure code quality and knowledge sharing.
Front-end Development: Dedicate time to practicing front-end technologies alongside back-end development.

Personal and Professional Growth

Adaptability: Demonstrated the ability to adapt to new technologies and frameworks.
Passion for Front-end Development: Discovered a strong interest in front-end development as a potential career path.
Problem-Solving Skills: Effectively identified and resolved technical challenges.
Collaboration: Recognized the importance of teamwork for achieving project goals.

Future Goals

Full-Stack Proficiency: Continue developing both front-end and back-end skills to become a full-stack developer.

Lifelong Learning: Embrace continuous learning and stay updated on the latest technologies.

User Experience Focus: Prioritize user experience in future projects.

Leadership and Mentorship: Seek opportunities to lead projects and mentor other developers.

About Me

I am a software developer passionate about using technology to create positive impact.

GitHub repository:

Deployed project:

Project’s landing page:

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