
Nhan Nguyen
Nhan Nguyen

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JavaScript Design Patterns - Structural - Decorator

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Decorator is a structural design pattern that allows us to attach new behaviors to objects by placing them inside special wrapper objects containing them.

In the example below, we use a decorator to extend behavior in Facebook Notifications.

class Notification {
  constructor(kind) {
    this.kind = kind || "Generic";

  getInfo() {
    return `I'm a ${this.kind} Notification`;

class FacebookNotification extends Notification {
  constructor() {

  setNotification(msg) {
    this.message = msg;

  getInfo() {
    return `${super.getInfo()} with the message: ${this.message}`;

class SMSNotification extends Notification {
  constructor() {

  getInfo() {
    return super.getInfo();

export { FacebookNotification, SMSNotification };
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๐Ÿ‘‰ Use this pattern when adding extensions to an object in runtime without affecting other objects.

I hope you found it helpful. Thanks for reading. ๐Ÿ™

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Top comments (6)

efpage profile image

What's the difference to inheritance?

budgiewatts profile image
John Watts

You can use the same decorator to provide the same functionality to multiple classes if they implement a common interface without having to extend all of those classes for what might be a niche use case.

efpage profile image

If you need the same functionality in multiple classes itยดs a sign your hierarchy needs some update. You should implement common functions in a parent class, not again and again in the childs using decorators.

Thatยดs OOP bottom-up!

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nhannguyendevjs profile image
Nhan Nguyen

Thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ‘

artydev profile image

Very instructive :-)

jangelodev profile image
Joรฃo Angelo

Hi Nhan Nguyen,
Your tips are very useful
Thanks for sharing